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Author Topic:  Is all radio going to "pay to listen"
Mark Metdker


North Central Texas, USA
Post  Posted 7 Oct 2004 2:56 am    
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Maybe you have, or maybe you haven't heard about the deal Howard Stern just signed. It is the biggest deal ever signed in the history of radio. 5 years, $500 million dollars. But, to hear him you will have to pay for satellite radio. I think it is about $12 bucks a month. I feel we are in the early stages of a "pay to listen" transformation in radio. I think this is only the beginning. Most of us have cable TV now, years ago we would have thought it was nuts to pay to watch TV. I think it's kinda the same thing.
Who would have ever thought people would pay for bottled water when you can get it free from the faucet!

Now, I'm gonna throw out a hot opinion. I think I would pay for radio, if I could get exactly what I want from it. The types of music I like with little or no commercials. Not a lot of talk. That's why I listen to internet radio stations when I am at home.

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Ray Minich


Bradford, Pa. Frozen Tundra
Post  Posted 7 Oct 2004 7:15 am    
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I feel we are in the early stages of a "pay to listen"

More like mid-life stage, where fewer and fewer things are "free". TANSSTAAFL. Eventually all forms of entertainment will be labelled Intellectual Property and each listening or viewing will cost $$$. DVD's that expire, audio packaging that self-destructs after several playbacks 'cause that's all you paid for when you bought it...

It's just my 2cents but I think we're really being taken for a ride. Service oriented payments made by John and Joan Middle Class in this country are getting out of hand. There is no wealth building. Phone bill, TV cable bill, Internet Provider bill. At the end of the month, what do you have for your payment? a reciept. (That's called rent-taking).

At least when I spend $2000 on a Pedal Steel Guitar, at the end of the transaction we have $4000 worth of assets, The seller has $2k and I have $2K worth of PSG. (That's called wealth building).

Looks like Howard is depending on Sirius, Sirius is depending on Howard, and I'm depending in correctly selecting 6 lottery numbers.

[This message was edited by Ray Minich on 07 October 2004 at 08:20 AM.]

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Rick Garrett


Tyler, Texas
Post  Posted 7 Oct 2004 8:03 am    
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I had satelite radio and hated it. Too many commercials and when they go to a break the volume gets louder just like on your tv at home. I still have the radio but I cancelled the service. In my opinion it just wasn't worth 10 bucks a month. Didn't try Sirius though so maybe its different.

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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 7 Oct 2004 8:48 am    
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Not about 'Steel Players' - moved to 'Music'.
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