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Bengt Erlandsen


Brekstad, NORWAY
Post  Posted 15 Nov 2003 3:36 pm    
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I just bought an old Framus D8 that has a lever system for each string that lets you preset different pitches for each string.
This allows for a whole lot of different tunings but which two notes should I use for each string to get the most versatilty out of the guitar.
Only thing I am sure of is that one neck will most certainly be tuned to some sort of C6.
If there are some ideas out there, could you please list the tuning Low to High.
Example: A C E G A C E G (C6)
Changing C's to C# and G's to F# would give me an A6 tuning but I am sure there are other possibilities. And I have another neck as well. So please help.

Bengt Erlandsen

[This message was edited by Bengt Erlandsen on 15 November 2003 at 03:38 PM.]

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Ricky Davis

Bertram, Texas USA
Post  Posted 15 Nov 2003 8:32 pm    
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I like the idea of changing from the regular C6 8-string tuning to a D13.


Ricky Davis

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Chuck Fisher


Santa Cruz, California, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2003 12:07 am    
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also C bass to C sharp switch
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John Kavanagh


Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2003 8:32 am    
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I have the same guitar, a Framus D-8 with levers. I like the sound, and the levers are great for experimenting with tunings. I'll send you my whole lever set up if you want, but I've sort of settled on two main tunings for now.

One thing that I found useful was to stringthe two necks differently, one for tunings with a wider spread than the other, like the C6/E9 necks on a pedal steel. If you're used to pedal, you could put, say, CGcegace on the lower neck, with a lever to give you F on 7 and c# on 6.

One problem I found with the Framus is that it's sometimes hard to set up a half-tone change. I have the bass string set for C/D/E for instance, but C/C# wouldn't work, and that's a problem if you want a C6/A7 setup. Going to a lighter string guage gives you more travel, and sometimes that makes the semitone shift possible.

Anyway, I have my lower neck set up to GBdegbd'e', with the levers set so I can easily switch to a couple of C6 or E7 tunings.

The upper neck is D13, cdf#abd'f#'e'. I got it from b0b; the middle strings are like C6, with a 7 on the bottom and an out-of sequence 9 on top. I have the levers set up for variations like c to d# or b. I do a lot of bending, so I should be able to get a lot of pedal-steel type sounds, especially with the upper neck. If I practised it more.

[This message was edited by John Kavanagh on 16 November 2003 at 08:33 AM.]

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Bengt Erlandsen


Brekstad, NORWAY
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2003 11:59 am    
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Thanks for the replies.
I have both C6/E9 and E9ext pedal-steel w enough peds/levers to keep my feet & knees busy for a long time. But I find it very fun to play w/out peds/levers and using lots of open strings. And w this D8 I don't have to put my regular guitar away because I don't need to sit down to play the D8.
I would like your setup for your Framus D8 so if you would send it to my Email box I would be thankful. My plan is to have two different tunings like C6 is different from E9. Any more ideas/tunings are welcome.

Bengt Erlandsen
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Al Marcus

Cedar Springs,MI USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2003 7:30 pm    
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Here is another idea-
Tune your basic tuning to A6.


A6 base as you can see is very versatile and uses less pulls to get the most popular Standard chords. I can give more but run out of room.
That is just for starters, lots more

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Chris Scruggs


Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2003 8:17 pm    
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I like A6 to C#minor9:

A....(down 1/2)..G#
C#...(up 1/2)......D
A....(down 1/2)..G#

And A6 to B11, where all you do is drop the fifth string from E to Eb.
Edited by Brad for clarification.

[This message was edited by Brad Bechtel on 17 November 2003 at 08:41 AM.]

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John Kavanagh


Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 19 Nov 2003 3:34 pm    
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Bengt, I'm emailing two charts I made up for the D8 with tuning levers. The second one is how I have it set up now, I think. I found I experimented a lot at first, as everybody does when they start on steel I suppose, but now I am trying to stick to two tunings (D13 and G6) and learn them well, with occasional switches when a particular sound is really called for - like a straight major tuning. I'm self taught and not good on the steel yet by any means, but I did spend a lot of time thinking about how to use those levers and it might give you some ideas.

You mention that there are two possibilities on each string, but there are three on mine - straight up, and an adjustable stop on either side.

If this is in a format your computer can't read, or if you want the other three charts I made or anything else, I'm always happy to talk music.

[This message was edited by John Kavanagh on 19 November 2003 at 03:37 PM.]

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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 19 Nov 2003 9:47 pm    
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Two notes for each string - what a fascinating problem! Let me think...

F# G
F# G
C C#
A Bb
which is pretty much what Ricky said, plus Jerry Byrd's C# and Junior Brown's Bb. Or how about:

G G#
C C#
G G#
E F#
Bb B
Junior Brown's C13, Leon McAuliff's E13, and Don Helm's top 6 strings.

How about E6, E7, E13 and Bb6:

G G#
C# D
Bb B
G G#
C# D
Bb B
It also has G6 (Em7) and G13 in it, and it's all done with half-steps.

Thanks for the brain twister!

Bobby Lee - email: - gigs - CDs, Open Hearts
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Sierra Laptop 8 (D13), Fender Stringmaster (E13, A6),
Roland Handsonic, Line 6 Variax
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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 19 Nov 2003 11:33 pm    
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Lowering that last one half a step:
               A6    C6    Eb13

F# G F# G G
Eb E E E Eb
C C# C# C C
A Bb A A Bb
F# G F# G G
Eb E E E Eb
C C# C# C Db
A Bb A A Bb
The Eb13 is just like the standard E13, lowered half a step.

Bobby Lee - email: - gigs - CDs, Open Hearts
Sierra Session 12 (E9), Williams 400X (Emaj9, D6), Sierra Olympic 12 (C6add9),
Sierra Laptop 8 (D13), Fender Stringmaster (E13, A6),
Roland Handsonic, Line 6 Variax
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Bengt Erlandsen


Brekstad, NORWAY
Post  Posted 20 Nov 2003 6:44 am    
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Thanks for the ideas. It could very well be that there are 3 instead of 2 possible notes on each string. I wont have the guitar here before next friday and then I'll know for sure.

Bengt Erlandsen
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Donald Ruetenik


Pleasant Hill, California, USA
Post  Posted 21 Nov 2003 6:17 pm    
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Could you post a picture of that 'old' Framus D-8.
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Bengt Erlandsen


Brekstad, NORWAY
Post  Posted 30 Nov 2003 11:08 am    
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Have received the D8. Don't have pictures of it yet.
There is 3 positions for the lever for each string. A sliding screw in front and behind the lever can be positioned to minimize the lever movement to preset different notes. The whole movement on each lever facilitates quite a big raise/drop on each string.
The bottom of the guitar is black and the twin necks/body is kind of white/faded white/yellow. It has separate tone and volume controls for each neck and a switch to select pickups. Front neck has pickup mounted closer to the neck. Back neck has pickup closer to the quick.tuning levers.
Both fretboards are black engraved so the white underneath show with shapes of oval - figure 8 - diamond and lots of xxxxx at 12th fret. First fret marker says Framus.
I don't have the excact measurement but the length of each neck is shorter than my other pedal steels. compared to my JCH and ZumSteel PSG the length seems to be equal to "from 1st fret to ChangerFingers". It has four adjustable legs that screw to the underside so the guitar can be played while standing.
Have just barely tried it thru an amp and can only say it sounds very cool.
Now I am off to see if I can decide on some
tunings and start to explore different musical ideas.

Bengt Erlandsen

[This message was edited by Bengt Erlandsen on 30 November 2003 at 11:21 AM.]

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