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Walter Stettner

Vienna, Austria
Post  Posted 5 Jan 2004 2:02 pm    
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I have seen a couple of posts recently asking for details about some of the players who are almost forgotten today like Lee Knight and Jenks Tex Carman, so I thought i might be a good idea to bring some of these players back to our memory, just to show how many excellent and great players added their part to the history of the Steel Guitar.

Paul Blunt was a member of the Light Crust Doughboys for over two decades and an important musician in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. He also was a regular member of the Big D Jamboree in Dallas throughout the Fifties and a popular session musician on Steel Guitar and Piano. He recorded for King and started his recording career after WW II, recording songs like "Cocaine Blues" with Dyson's Musical Texans, also showing his great ability as vocalist. He recorded several sides with a trio called "The Frontiersmen", feat. Eddie Martin on Steel Guitar, he also recorded extensively with Bill Boyd and his Cowboy Ramblers.

The Frontiersmen, by the way, backed a young and upcoming Texan on his first records for the Bullet Label - Ray Price ("Jealous Lies)!

Paul Blunt remained active with the Doughboys and his own groups until he passed away in the 1970's.

One of my favorite tunes he did was "Walking Up Stairs" in 1950, a driving tune that might have inspired Eddie Cochran to do his famous "20 Flight Rock".


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Reece Anderson


Keller Texas USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 5 Jan 2004 2:24 pm    
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Anyone who ever met Paul Blount will never forget him and his quick wit. He also played good piano and banjo.....and he was a very good comedian.

I knew many who played on the Big D Jamboree with Paul. Smokey Montgomery (who introduced me to my wife 26 years ago) Jim Boyd and Jimmy Kelly who was also a steel guitar player to name a few.
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