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Author Topic:  Anyone Know Scottish Steeler Christopher Marra?


Rimrock AZ
Post  Posted 4 Jan 2004 10:40 am    
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Listening to a couple of old Danny Wilson records today and wondered if Christopher Marra has played steel on other stuff. A google search turned up several guitar credits for various Scottish artists such as King L and Michael Marra. His steel playing for the Clark brothers on the "Be Bop Mop Top" album was certainly proficient and shows that he had put some time in behind the necks so to speak. Just wondered if any of our UK members are acquainted with him.

By the way, if you are not familiar with Danny Wilson, too bad. It was a way cool group. Even though the music is a few years old now, it holds up very well. Brothers Gary and Kit Clark along with Gerard Grimes
make up the band. As close as I can tell the name came from an obscure 1951 Frank Sinatra movie, "Meet Danny Wilson". The original sounding songs are very diverse and clever. A good listen on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

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