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Author Topic:  EuroSteel---eira Steelguitar???
David L. Donald

Koh Samui Island, Thailand
Post  Posted 17 Oct 2003 8:21 am    
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I was handed a steel album
there is a sticker over the lable, what I can read is
...N Collection
1 Besame Mucho
2 Gunatanamera
3 Spanish eyes
4 Malaguena
5 Cillito lindo
it is on Hot Line records or CNR records
1988 produced by Bert Shouten
from holland belgum or norway.

It has some clean warm steel work, rather hawaiian styled, in front of some rather pedestrian backing tracks that someone clearly payed too much to produce. Not at all my cup of tea,
other than the steel work which is good.

So who is this?? There is no clue about the steeler.
He obviously chose the songs and then was "produced" into something I would call elevator music. But fine steel work.
Not trying to step on his toes, I just call'em as I see'em

[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 17 October 2003 at 10:40 AM.]

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Chris Brooks


Providence, Rhode Island
Post  Posted 17 Oct 2003 11:34 am    
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Bon jour, David--

The last letters and song titles gave me the hint: This is probably Coy Pereira. I asked about him in a thread a couple of years ago.

Portuguese name, but I believe he was from the Caribbean. Trinidad, maybe? This is "straight steel" , right?

Yes, easy listening,--but nice.

A bientot,


now living in the Ocean State ....

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David L. Donald

Koh Samui Island, Thailand
Post  Posted 17 Oct 2003 1:22 pm    
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I saw the ..eire-Steelguitar and thought it was a compilation put out by Siera of guys playing thier steels.
Unitl I heard it. Nice tone on steel, and and interesting choice of songs.

But the "easy listening" backing tracks killed it for me.

Elevator music or audio wallpaper.
And that's sad because he is a fine steeler.

It seems produced by someone without a clue about latin music... clearly not the steeler in question.
The name seems to fit.

I am about to start playing steel on french Gypsy jazz manouche, and one of the 3 guitariists in the group had this album at home and made me a copy, that he gave me after our gig this noon.

I was ready to hear this great collection of assorted steelers. It was a bit of a let down. I was expecting Emmons and other cats on Siera steels.

I wish I had produced this for Coy... it would have had fire!
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