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Author Topic:  Great Charleton/Rhodes spot..
Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 16 Oct 2003 9:56 pm    
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Before this one gets away It really needs a listen. Some of the filler is well worth the "band stories". Especially how "Charleton was really hard on drummers", the "$5 for a round trip" and other stories. Also the "turn around" tidbit..

Midnite Jamboree ET Bob Wills Road Band Tribute

The last two nights I've been working on Rhodes/Bud Boogie the way BC taught it, as well as Twelve Midnight, and remember just how exacting his stuff is. It's real easy to "skip over" he parts that are "hard to play". Dang that old lazy left hand.. I can't imagine how hard keeping up with Leon was, and the recollections of the "bus life" gives an insight into how they passed some of their time.

Don Helms plays GREAT Steel on it as do the other band members.

The Stories are priceless, and you'd never hear a couple of them anywhere else. They might not last there on the site.


It's really worth the listen.

[This message was edited by Eric West on 16 October 2003 at 10:57 PM.]

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Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 17 Oct 2003 8:33 am    
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I'm lucky to have a video of some of those playing sessions; Leon and Buddy; ALSO, Buddy
and another fellow (from the same instrumental album) on lead guitar. You can't tell it's not Leon either; really no slouch.
Buddy sure had nice "nails"....they shined in the TV lights.
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