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Dumping Sierra's

Posted: 9 Sep 2003 9:23 am
by Jack Francis
Is it my imagination or could it be that people are getting rid of thier Sierra guitars because of the problems the company is having?
There sure are a lot for sale on the Buy-Sell thread....inquiring minds need to know.

Posted: 9 Sep 2003 9:36 am
by Brad Bechtel
Well, at least two of the Sierras being sold are because the owner switched to a different guitar. I don't think they're being dumped because of Sierra's reported problems. If I hadn't just bought my Zumsteel, I'd seriously consider one of these instruments.

Posted: 9 Sep 2003 9:42 am
by Dr. Hugh Jeffreys
I own 2 Sierras; they are rock solid, and I have been able to perform any necessary work on them as well as replacements. They are a fine piece of work. HJ

Posted: 9 Sep 2003 10:15 am
by Donny Hinson
Nope, it's just coincidence. There's always a lot of them for sale, partly due to their having been in business so long, and partly due to the few professional players who still use them. Most players now seem to gravitate towards what's popular, and Sierra never seemed really "popular" (among the "legends" in the business, that is). Of course, you could say the same thing about MSA's, Mullen's, Marlens, and ZB's, too.

Posted: 9 Sep 2003 10:16 am
by Brian Henry
It seems rather suspicious. Seven Sierra's for sale all of a sudden. More Sierra's are being sold than anything elese. I wonder why?

Posted: 9 Sep 2003 10:24 am
by Johan Jansen
in 10 years they will be collectors-items.
I remember in Holland about 20 years ago everyone dumped his Fender,because it didn't have the Nashville sound.Even the Sho~Bud-Fenders. Nowadays you can't find them anymore for cheap.
The name of Sierra's is that they are constructed like a tank, and suck in tone.
Except the ones from Joe Wright and Robert Randolph?? It's in the hands, right?
I think it's a very good guitar with it's own character, it's a matter of time that people get respect for that..JJ

Image Click on the pic!

Posted: 9 Sep 2003 10:41 am
by Terry Edwards
As a former Sierra owner I can tell you they make a fine guitar. The only reason I sold mine was to try something different in the never ending search for a "tone" that tickles my fancy (or was that a timbre). Image I sure picked an expensive hobby to experiment with!!

Terry Edwards
Fessy D-10; Nash 1000
Martin D-21; Flatiron F-5

Posted: 9 Sep 2003 10:44 am
by Tom Jordan
I recently sold my Sierra to "lighten the load" since I'm focused on the non-pedal adventure. Nothing to do with Sierra's status at all. Is everybody dumping their Sho Buds, Bigsbys, Fenders etc because of factory support? As far as that goes, I don't see anything on the Sierra guitar that I can't repair or fabricate or buy on the open market.

Sierra makes a fine rock solid guitar that will be around for years and I have confidence that somebody will aquire the spare parts for continued support and repair.

I think is is normal to chase ambulances or gawk at the unfortunate...we all do that to an extent, but I don't think the current status of the factory is worth panicing over. I don't expect anybody to care, but when and if (more than likely) I do decide to get another PSG it will be a Sierra S10...dammit.

Tom Jordan

edited to cuss...<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Tom Jordan on 09 September 2003 at 11:47 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 9 Sep 2003 10:45 am
by Ron Page
People may be concerned about parts. However, once that issue is resolved the sellers -- if they're "dumping" them--might be sorry. Supply and demand will drive the prices of the well-maintained units up.

Come to think about it, even if the parts issue isn't resolved the price of the well-maintained units will still go up, piece by piece. Image


Posted: 9 Sep 2003 11:17 am
by Roy Ayres
Strange thing: my Sierra plays and sounds just as good now as it did before the company folded.

Posted: 9 Sep 2003 11:52 am
by richard burton
British player Dave Hayward has an excellent tone. He plays a Sierra.

Posted: 9 Sep 2003 12:22 pm
by Mark van Allen
My first doubleneck was a Sierra. I just never could warm up to it, but I thought it was a fine guitar, perhaps almost overbuilt! It's very sad to think the company might not survive, we really need widely differing tones and choices to suit all the different ears and approaches. Good luck to Sierra!

C'mon by and visit!-
My Bands: Sugarland Kate and the Retreads Kecia Garland Band Shane Bridges Band Dell Conner Blues Band

Posted: 9 Sep 2003 12:25 pm
by ed packard
The Sierra Player list from the past is impressive, ..Jimmy Day, Buddy Emmons, Herby Wallace, Gene O'Neil, and many more. If the guitar did not have "tone" those folk would not have been caught dead with one, let alone played them on the ISGC stage.

At present, Joe Wright, and Bill Stafford come to mind and if I recall correctly, David Wright.

I am sure that some of you can add other names to the list. I think Julian Tharpe played one also.

Want to all chip in and buy the place? (start world war III)

Posted: 9 Sep 2003 1:42 pm
by Eric West

This is presumption of course that could inadvertently delay, damage, or derail efforts to reorganize, and develop a new "business plan" but:

I still think somebody should run it by RR if it is indeed more than a temporary condition.

He seems open to "new ideas" and directions.




Posted: 9 Sep 2003 4:13 pm
by Rainer Hackstaette
As the proud owner of two Sierras - which I bought on the forum and which are definately not for sale - I have been watching the Sierra sales here quite closely in the past. Most of the guitars currently offered have been in the "Buy and Sell" for weeks before any rumors started that the company might be in trouble. Manfred Schall's S-10 has been offered off and on for over a year. (I had the opportunity to play this guitar and it is in immaculate condition and plays like a dream!)

I would guess that on a year-long average a lot more Sho-Buds or Emmons PPs are up for sale than Sierras. Maybe it's because there are more of them floating around. They sure seem to sell a little faster. Image

And no, I'm not worried about servicing problems. Things will get sorted out, I'm sure. Image


<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#0000FF">Remington D-10 8+7, Sierra Crown D-10 gearless 8+8, Sierra Session S-14 gearless 8+5, '76 Emmons D-10 8+4, Peavey Session 400 LTD</FONT>

Posted: 10 Sep 2003 12:01 pm
by Bobby Lee
Here are some examples of Sierra tone. Each song is two passes (lead and chords) with the same Sierra Session guitar, through a Peavey Tubefex into the recorder (no amp or speaker).

I've always been very happy with the tone of my Sierra guitars, and the feel of their pedals.

<font size="1"><img align=right src="" width="96 height="96">Bobby Lee - email: - gigs - CDs, Open Hearts
Sierra Session 12 (E9), Williams 400X (Emaj9, D6), Sierra Olympic 12 (C6add9),
Sierra Laptop 8 (D13), Fender Stringmaster (E13, A6),
Roland Handsonic, Line 6 Variax</font>

Posted: 10 Sep 2003 12:31 pm
by Buddy Emmons
I think the Sierra ranks at the top of the list for C6th tone. Also, I recorded several Clinton Gregory sessions including the song, "If It Weren't for Country Music," and the bite on the intro was as Nashville inclined as you'd ever want to hear. If I hadn't had a problem breaking the G# on my guitar I might have kept it. I presently own a Sierra single 12 devoted to the C6th tuning only and the tone is superb.

Posted: 10 Sep 2003 4:02 pm
by Derek Duplessie
Greg Liesz Plays a Sierra. He sounds great on it!

Posted: 10 Sep 2003 4:38 pm
by Michael Johnstone
I like mine and I'm not dumping it just yet.I found that even on my Session 25" keyless,with Jagwire strings,it doesn't break G#s any more often than other guitars I've played like Sho-Buds,ZBs,MSAs,Emmons etc. Of course my Excel 25.5" keyless breaks ZERO STRINGS. I've been playing it average 5 nights a week for nearly a year now and it has yet to break one string. But hell,I could never understand all the critisism of Sierras. Sure they are different - but viva la difference and I for one am sorry to see the state of affairs up in Portland. -MJ-

Posted: 10 Sep 2003 6:15 pm
by Jack Francis
Good Job, b0b...great tone.

Posted: 10 Sep 2003 7:11 pm
by HowardR
Let's not forget their lap steels. You'd be hard pressed to find a better lap steel, modern, or vintage. Dump them? Not at twice the price.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by HowardR on 12 September 2003 at 03:30 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 12 Sep 2003 4:32 am
by Buddie Hrabal
Just want to say that I have played Sierra guitars for approx 10 years. Ive had both the "CROWN 25" and the "SESSION" and they were both great guitars. They stayed in tune and I broke very few strings. The customer service I received has been good. I hope they will recover and come back strong.
I would also like to say that to design and build a steel guitar is a labor of love. I admire and respect ALL the steel guitar builders. I think that they all try to build a good guitar and that none of the builders would intentionaly try to cheat or misrepresent their product.

We always say "we'll pray for you" well folks lets PRAY for out Steel Guitar Industry

Posted: 12 Sep 2003 6:40 am
by Joe Casey
One forgets that there are people out there Like Jim Smith, Duane Marrs ect. that will be around to fix ,change or rework any Guitars. Sierra's are not known to fall apart.They may just turn out to be very valuable collectors Items.


Posted: 12 Sep 2003 4:56 pm
by Damir Besic
I had two Sierras ,one single on double body and one U-12,great guitars.


Posted: 12 Sep 2003 5:21 pm
by Franklin
The Sierra was and still is a fine instrument. I am sorry to hear they are having problems. Buddy shows alot of class by defending the instruments sonic integrity. I have never owned one but I always thought Julian and Buddy got great tones out of their guitars.

There are alot of mechanics out there that can keep Sierra's operating in mint condition.
