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C Dixon


Duluth, GA USA
Post  Posted 30 Aug 2003 5:32 pm    
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I just got home from StLouis and received the following email from Al Marcus:

From: "Al Marcus" |
To: "Carl Dixon"
Subject: Excel
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 13:29:57 -0400

Hi Carl, I know you are at the show now, but when you get back. Would you tell us all the new features you presented on the Excel.? I am sure it will be appreciated by everyone. I read all of your posts and still enjoy every one of them...thanks and Best
Al Marcus

Thanks for the email.

Sadly, due to a terrible blunder on MY part, I had to cut short my StLouis trip. I did a very dumb thing. And 100% totally my fault. I failed to tell Scotty in advance WHY I wanted to use a part of the Excel booth. Which he (and Mitsuo) graciously permitted me to do.


My failure to tell him and explain (in advance) what my purpose was, led to a major missunderstanding. I regret this and apologize to all involved.

To keep it is as simple as possible, the following is what happened. I had (as many of you know) been working on some things for the pedal steel guitar for many many years. Some are my own creations, some are adaptations I have seen or heard about, etc.

The major thing I developed was an automatic switchoever system to satisfy MY needs on the PSG. In order to show this; so it would be understandable by all who visited the booth, it was mandatory that several pieces of ancillary equipment be used. In a word, without this equipment, it would have been futile to even try to discuss; or show it.

Because of the room this equipment took up, it caused a major problem. I will leave it there.

I am deeply sorry I did not explain this to Scotty in advance. Also, because of my total lack of professionalism, and haste, I felt it best if I simply remove it all and come home. I shall always be convinced this was the best policy considering the circumstances.

To all who did come by and visit me in the booth, I shall be eternally greatful. It was a blessing and a treat to meet soooo many I had talked to on this forum plus those who I had not talked to in advance on this forum. I cherish each of you even more after putting a face to your writings.

Most of the "goodies" I brought, garnered a great deal of interest; and of course joy to me. This will live with me forever as a wonderful blessing.

Al, to answer your email directly, the following are those items I brought and demonstrated on Thursday and half of Friday before I was told to remove all the ancillary equipment I had brought. Again, MY fault totally.

1. A unigue vertical knee lever. While the idea was NOT mine, I built it the best way I knew how. It received the second most favorable comments.

Several "artists" seemed to really like this. In essence, the vertical lever does NOT pivot right or left but pivots back to front. This permitted a long lever (relatively speaking) that requires the same travel from end to end. I love it, and from all the comments, many also loved it.

2. A side tray that attached to the right two legs of the PSG. Made out of cheap MDF and a few screws and some spray paint. I never dreamed how much interest this one would incur. Most really liked it. I just got the idea last Monday and built it on the spur of the moment.

3. A positive cure for the problem of double lowers (or raises) NOT coming back true if the half tone change is held while the whole tone is engaged and released. Many positive comments on this one. It is a very very simple device to cure it. Most anyone could do it.

4. Excel's new and unigue "cabinet drop" eliminator which is standard on his new SuperB models. It works on the keyless end. I made a modification to it on my guitar that Mitsuo seemed to like quite a bit

5. A breadboard (made to exact scale) showing in precise detail HOW my guitar will have 6 different copedents on instant demand; by using the tone portion of a modified Fender vol/tone pedal and the LOK feature. This seemed to generate a great deal of interest.

In addition I added a lot of little inhancements to it, that pleased me when sooooo many questions and favorable comments were asked (and made) about it.

Incidently, I HAD to have a computer and screen in conjunction with the breadboard, lest there be NO way to explain what was happening as I demonstrated what and how the thing worked.

6. Excel's unusual and unique nylon tuners that permit the changer fingers to have 5 raises and 5 lowers using NO more space on the changer finger.

7. A "pre-tightener" for keykess tuners when changing a string or strings. This received more interest than I had expected; and again really pleased me. I made one especially for b0bby Lee's Sierra. (Note to b0b: since I left without seeing you, I gave it to Jim Palenscar to give to you. I hope he met up with you before you left).

8. A control panel that incorporates the goodrich "matchbox", strobe tuner, and other enhancements that would be an aid to most any player. One of the nicest (I believe) features of this panel is, when using the strobe tuner, the nylon tuners light up automatically. I got real lucky here as the way the Excel is built, there just happened to be two small holes in a perfect location to mount the incandescent lamps. Many great comments on this goodie.

To embelish its use, I installed (in the control panel) a 4PDT (ON-ON-ON) switch that worked as follows:

A. When in the "amp" position (up), the PU goes straight to the amp (possibly via the goodrich matchbox built in).

B. When in the "both" (center) position, the PU goes to the amp AND the built in strobe tuner.

C. When in the "tuner" position (down) the PU goes only to the tuner.

Note: in the center and down postions the lamps (mentioned above) turn on and light up the nylon tuner compartment. Obviously this cures a long standing problem when in dark places when trying to get your tuning wrench on one of the nylon tuners.

To further enhance this "amp-both-tuner" switch, I demonstrated; and will install a "tri-color" led just to the left of the PU in the aluminum neck to aid my eyes/brain when I am in any one of the 3 positions.

Finally, I showed a nice little box (for "padded" necked guitars) for a player's bars and picks. This did not appear to be of much interest.

I received several negative comments and one major negative comment from a builder.

Questions amd comments about purchasing any of these "goodies" received the following:

"I am not in the business of selling anything. If any one wants to copy and build ANY thing they have seen, My blessings to you. This goes to individuals and/or companies."

And if anyone wishes to get a patent on any item I showed, you have cart blanche from me. I am much too old to worry about that.

Again, I would like to formally and publicly apologize to Scotty and his Sons for NOT spelling out, in detail (IN advance) why I wanted to use a part of the Excel booth. It was totally wrong of me not to do this. I sincerely apologize for that terrible blunder.

I would like to close with the following. My deepest and sincerest thanks to Mitsuo Fujii for his gracious and wonderful demeanor with me and my wife. And to his lovely daughter who brought my wife a nice gift. Words can never convey how wonderful Mitsuo has treated me from the day I first asked him if he would build me a PSG with unusual changes from his normal stock guitars. He is a rare find in this world of money hungry merchants whose God is the almighty dollar. Thanks Mitsuo from the bottom of my heart.

My apologies to all those who might have come by the booth expecting to see the things I promised on this forum. I have nothing but sadness with that.

Thanks Al for asking.

May Jesus richly bless you all,


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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 1 Sep 2003 8:26 am    
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Carl, I did get the string puller gadget you left behind for me. Thanks. It was good seeing you again. God bless...

Bobby Lee - email: - gigs - CDs, Open Hearts
Sierra Session 12 (E9), Williams 400X (Emaj9, D6), Sierra Olympic 12 (C6add9),
Sierra Laptop 8 (D13), Fender Stringmaster (E13, A6),
Roland Handsonic, Line 6 Variax
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Pete Burak


Portland, OR USA
Post  Posted 1 Sep 2003 8:40 am    
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Great finally putting your name to your face!
Nice demo you had going there, and I learned a good trick from you on that double raise/lower issue that I will be implementing on my steel.

Pete B.

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Al Marcus

Cedar Springs,MI USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 1 Sep 2003 9:49 pm    
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Carl- I am sorry that things didn't work out the way you wanted in St.Louis.

Hopefully some builders will incorporate some of your great and useful ideas in their

My Website.....

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