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Author Topic:  Steel Player Needs Apology. Sierra's Closed.
Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 1 Sep 2003 11:36 am    
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Check this out.

I think all Steel Players need to be aware of the special little society that we have, on or off the Forum, just what our interaction with manufacturing companies is, and what the "focus" needs to be "on", and just who " Our Guys" really are.

Just my opinion as a Steel Player that's been playing in this town longer than anybody has been building them here.

Ray Montee has been doing it twice as long as that.

Business is Business.

Religion is Religion.

Steel Players are Steel Players.

This IS a Steel Players' Forum.

I'd like to think that Manufacturers, especially those that have closed their businesses have their own Forum.

Thanks for the heads up Ray.

I apologize for doubting you.

Your buddy,

Eric J Lundgren.
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Jim Palenscar


Oceanside, Calif, USA
Post  Posted 1 Sep 2003 12:30 pm    
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There's no need to kick apart the bones of Sierra- regardless of how long anyone has been playing or what he/she feel about the instrument personally. While I currently don't own one, there can be no doubt that it is a very well designed instrument and has been around for a very long time in numerous iterations (Wright Custom/Ernie Ball, etc.). Some of us may have even been in diapers at it's early inception. The company has made numerous contributions to the advancement of our instrument (the modular pickup and the modern changer design being two that come to mind). Everyone that I've ever dealt with and have known in the organization has always treated me with dignity and respect and never shoved religion down my throat nor implied that they were more aligned with God than the next guy. If there was an implication that Ray's posting caused further problems- let it go. I doubt that anyone would pay much attention to it. It is a sad thing to have any of our small "support group" of steel folks have a problem such as the one that Sierra is facing and I, for one, wish them well, regardless of the outcome.
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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 1 Sep 2003 1:36 pm    
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Picking apart the bones?


I have a problem with the company closing their doors, laying off/firing dedicated employees with no notice, not taking phone calls, and THEN having the tumerity to complain about "false information" "leaking out" through a guy in "Our Community". Especially one that's been "in the business" for 50 years.

"Over the years", many employees there HAVE given excellent service. Harley James, Danny Shields, Neil Rodgerson, Bill Stafford, and others are about the best anyone could ask for. Maybe it was THEM that treated "people" right. None of them have been there for many years. Their reasons? You'd have to ask them.

Now finally when there's a publically acessable and viewable green and then a later red tag notice on their company door stating publically that their water service is to be turned off due to lack of payment, Sierra Instruments posts a "Status of The Company" Statement that implies that their "problems" are due in part to them not being able to maintain the appearance of being "in business".

Maybe they should sue, slam or slight the water bureau for unduly alarming "The Public" and "adversely impacting their business".

Many of us here are christians. Many are manufacturers. We are ALL Steel PLayers.

I don't care if a guy has been playing for ONE DAY, or plays with the dynamics of a chainsaw, like myself, they are still not "to blame" partially, or otherwise for "absence of new orders" of a company that has NO STEEL PLAYERS on a payroll, let alone having no payroll for relaying first hand information..

THAT's the part that cheezed me. I think if Sierra Instruments would have thought about this before posting this belated "statement" that they would have ommitted the inference, however slight.

I offer my apology to Ray for even think that he "jumped the gun" here. Others may if their concience dictates. It's not on my desk.

I expect one from this "Tony" entity to Ray, and to Tom, the guy that kept his company afloat for as long as he did for implying that either one had ANYTHING to do with the "troubled" status of their/his/her/it's company.

I think the "LLC" says a lot, but only to those that know what it means.

I'm praying for the whole bunch.



[This message was edited by Eric West on 01 September 2003 at 02:45 PM.]

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