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Author Topic:  Emmons back together
Tom Callahan


Dunlap, Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 23 Aug 2003 1:16 pm    
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I realize that a lot of people will not understand the excitement and pure joy at my house tonite.
After years of pure craving a pedal steel but more concerned with paying bills and the comfort of my wife, I finally have my little dream come true.
My wife found a old S-10 Emmons push pull with wooden necks and as several very gracious and helpfull people on the forum can attest to, I have asked some stupid questions and made mistakes. But at 3:45 pm today it was back together, with the aid of information and detailed drawings gotten from searching the forum, all my changers work and do so properly. still a little fine tuning to do on the lever and c pedal but god help me I love that thing.
While playing the few little songs I feel comfortable with, my wife walked over with her music stand and told me to play this song.
So "Thank You Brother Erv" can't describe the feeling of hearing "It is no secret what GOD can do" ringing thru the house.
So watch out fellows, this old man is on the loose.

[This message was edited by Tom Callahan on 23 August 2003 at 02:18 PM.]

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Erv Niehaus

Litchfield, MN, USA
Post  Posted 23 Aug 2003 4:18 pm    
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I know you sent me an e-mail but I just have to say how appreciative I am for your kind comments concerning my meager efforts. When you play God's music, it is the Holy Spirit that is helping you to play that contraption we can the pedal steel guitar.
Thank you Brother:
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