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Author Topic:  Wall Street Journal-Sundance-Roots Music
Gerald Menke


Stormville NY, USA
Post  Posted 7 Aug 2003 11:12 am    
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Now what on earth could those things have to do with each other? And what does this have to with steel guitar? On the FRONT PAGE of the Journal today there was a subhead for an article about very cool sounding series on Sundance that premieres tonight and runs for the next three Thursdays. Would you believe the subhead contained the words "pedal-steel guitar"? I almost dropped my coffee.

The series, called 'Keeping Time: New Music from America's Roots' will focus on trends in modern roots music, and one will focus on, of course Sacred Steel and Mr. Robert Randolph, of course. The other three sound totally interesting too, makes me wish for the first time ever that I had cable! I hope that some of my Forum brethren will watch it and report back...the Sacred Steel is the third one, I think. The first installment airs at 7:30 PM EDT on the Sundance channel.


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