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Author Topic:  Ray Montee: Gig 4-U
Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 28 Jul 2003 3:43 pm    
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A Bandleader called me today with a gig at the ^M^ this weekend. Nice laid back deal and they've got some more work coming up. Probably no rehearsal, and a Hank W to Tulsa Time, Maybe Pink Cadilac at the wildest, and a pretty solid band.

They are pretty normal, tasty, country fare, and are good, religious, young people. I'd take it myself if I wasn't booked.

I told them Doug had your number, gave him your email and he'll be calling you.

Let me know if they mistreat or disrespect you in any way.


My "finder's fee"?

The usual.

Your Eternal Soul.

I doubt you'll even miss it....

[This message was edited by Eric West on 28 July 2003 at 04:56 PM.]

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Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 28 Jul 2003 8:59 pm    
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Many thanks Eric!

Looking forward to hearing from someone....
How many in the band; ages; etc.

Just a little background. Would they prefer me behind "the EMMONS" or with the Rick?

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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 28 Jul 2003 9:28 pm    
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It's the John Henry Band, and they've got more than a couple weekends at the M. From what I gather, they do more plain country than coutry rock, and probably no horribly frantic thrash and bash stuff. I think JH is about 30 or so, as is his girlfriend the keyboard player. I probably know the others but I didn't ask. JH has been in Jubitz several times, and they've been talking to the Mgr about trying a 5 niter there. I think mostly weekends, and I'm not sure if the gig they called me for was just a one weekend deal filling in for a keyboard, guitar, or just what.

His Number is 503 816 2372, ( If I copied it right. If not, Dougie has it. I did give him your email.

I'd imagine its an Emmons gig, but that Ricky really puts the topping on some of the traditional stuff, and I'm sure they do some.

No real guarantees. It could be a gig from hell. Any of them could be. Most of mine are..

Anyhow, give him a buzz.


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