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Name for your band

Posted: 30 Apr 2003 6:31 am
by Jack Francis
What thoughts went into the name for your band?

We wanted our bands name to define what we were all about. How 'bout yours?

(Before I came up with "The Roadhouse Kings"
I suggested a name that the wives hated..Since the county next to us is Pinal County, I wanted to use "Pinal Envy".
My son and I were doing some blues and since his name is also Jack we wanted to call ourselves 2 Jack's and a queen but the drummer hated the dress we gave him.) <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jack Francis on 30 April 2003 at 07:32 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 30 Apr 2003 7:02 am
by Ed Naylor
Regardless of the name you decide on, check with the State you live in at the Secretary of State office and see if it is registered by anybody. You can register your group name for around $20 and you then "Own" it.Otherwise someone may come along and use the same name. Ed Naylor Steel Guitar Works.

Posted: 30 Apr 2003 7:33 am
by Jim Cohen
You could call it the "Nashville LTDs" Image

Posted: 30 Apr 2003 8:00 am
by Chris Forbes
How about Jehovah's Waitresses?

Posted: 30 Apr 2003 8:13 am
by Ed Naylor
Sorry Jim, but Nashville LTD is a registered name for the Guitars I build. Ed Naylor NASHVILLE LTD STEEL GUITARS.

Posted: 30 Apr 2003 8:14 am
by chas smith
We were The Incontinentals, age had a lot to do with it...

Posted: 30 Apr 2003 10:14 am
by Joerg Hennig
The band I was in needed a new name because they screwed up with the club owners and earned themselves a bad reputation. Being an old NRPS fan I suggested to call ourselves "The Gypsy Cowboys". They loved it and from then on used that name, but unfortunately they didn´t live up to it so I called it quits.
(Call it "Quits" - hmmm, how about that...)

Regards, Joe H.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Joe Henry on 04 December 2003 at 11:07 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 30 Apr 2003 11:13 am
by Tony Prior
Sorry Ed..if you register a name with the local county or your state, you don't own it. The whole reason to register a name with a county or state is so that they know where to send the tax bill !

If you want to own a name you must do a copyright search and then register the copyright with the Feds.


added note: You do not need to copyright your own already own it and have the full right to use it and to challenge anyone who may want to use your name ( WHY would they ? who knows ) but it costs somewhere in the vicinity of a grand to do a copyright search and register thru a trademark atty.

Once that is you own it..I hope it was worth it <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Tony Prior on 30 April 2003 at 01:56 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 30 Apr 2003 11:29 am
by Kenneth Rollans


Posted: 30 Apr 2003 11:31 am
by Jim Cohen
<SMALL>Sorry Jim, but Nashville LTD is a registered name for the Guitars I build. Ed Naylor NASHVILLE LTD STEEL GUITARS.</SMALL>
I know, I know, I know. We all learned that together a few years ago... Image

Posted: 30 Apr 2003 11:37 am
by Ray Jenkins
<SMALL>I suggested a name that the wives hated..Since the county next to us is Pinal County, I wanted to use "Pinal Envy".</SMALL>
O.K.Jack, when you come to the jam the 10th & 11th YOU gotta wear a dress for that little remark.(it's required when Maricopa County pickers infringe upon Pinal County pickers territory.) Image Image Image

Steeling is still legal in Arizona

Posted: 30 Apr 2003 12:59 pm
by Frank Parish
Well for the last four years it's been
"The Dixie Hicks". Before that it was "The Nashville Garage Band". Before that it was "The Hott Shotz". I like them all and have registered two of them.
Jack, I'd be careful not to make the wives too mad on that name. With a name like Jack they could make real hay out of that! Image

Posted: 30 Apr 2003 1:13 pm
by Peter Siegel
Well, back in the day we had a swing band called The Special Orchestra, because no matter how handicapped we were ...

Posted: 30 Apr 2003 1:14 pm
by Ed Naylor
Tony- In Ohio if you operate a business you get a Vendors Liscense.Which I have. This is so the State can collect taxes. Also, in Ohio if you do Trade shows events , on an irregular basis you must also get a "Transient" vendors liscense. I am very familiar with the Federal Copywrite laws because I have some.I am not trying to be rude, but , many people in businessignore these simple steps that can really haunt you Ed

Posted: 30 Apr 2003 2:11 pm
by Jack Francis
You guys do know Jack!! Image
(P.S. Ray, the dress in question is in a dry cleaners in SF, I doubt that I can get it back in time for the Jam!! Image<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jack Francis on 30 April 2003 at 03:38 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 2 May 2003 1:39 am
by Tony Prior
Hi Ed..You are not being rude..What you said is exactly correct.We too register our business name with the County and state of NC and it is primarily for conducting business in the state for the business license and sales tax . But that is not to be confused with owning the name and owning the rights to it.

The procedure for owning a name or just registering a name is exactly the same for every town, county and state.
I am somewhat certain that there are multiple business names across this great land of ours that have exactly the same name and exactly the same spelling. This is not illegal, but it may be confusing. This is why the FEDS go by social security numbers rather than the business names on the wonderfull event of April 15th.

But I would come back to if you want to own the rights and the name, you must go thru the copyright procedure which is not the same as registering for a business license or tax ID.

Our business name happens to be my wifes name so we opted not to copyright as the laws are clear about your own name and who owns it.

IF someone has a band named "The Belly Buttons" and registers the name, all they have is a registered name for a business license and Tax ID status. That does not prevent another band in the same County ( same state ) to use the same name. Now if the second "Belly Buttons" decides to register the name for a business license and Tax ID in the same County they will be denied the license under that name. that does not mean that they cannot use the name, it just means they can't get a license and Tax ID for that name in the same County.

The registration and State Tax ID number is assigned by the County you live in. When you search the records for the name before you register it in your County, you search only the County records, not the State records or the Federal records, just the County records. By the way, if no one has ever done this, the search is mandatory. You search, fill out the form, give thme the money, then they search again to be sure you didn't make a mistake, then they issue the license.

Who owns the name ? If neither filed a copyright of the "Belly Buttons " band name..then neither own it...Actually if there is another "Belly Buttons" band out there that owns the copyright of the name, and they learn that someone else is using it they can request that all others stop using it , and they will win. Those that have already registered the name with a County will have to re-register under another name or just change the name...

The question at the top of the thread is about owning the name..not necesarily registering it with a County. Two totally different deals...

I live right on the County line, there are businesses named the exact same thing in both counties but it is not an issue because they report income to different counties ,different Tax ID #'s. Is it confusing to customers ? well I think it is...I wouldn't do it...

If you just register a name , you do not own it.You must copyright to own it and all the full rights to it, just like a song etc...


<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Tony Prior on 02 May 2003 at 03:07 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 2 May 2003 2:19 am
by Jim Cohen
Aw, now look what I started... (it was just a joke fellers...)

Posted: 2 May 2003 3:54 am
by Ed Naylor
Tony- I have spent thousands of hours and thousands of dollars over the years obtaining copywrites and name regristrations .Apparently I have been "Taken" by the Secretary of State and my attorneys.If I had not been personally involved in some of these situations I would just forget the issue. At any rate I operate a legal registered business and do the best I can to serve the public. As a 1 man operation working 14 hrs daily 7 days a week, I ask myself often .WHY??. ED

Posted: 2 May 2003 5:39 am
by Jack Francis
Sometime back I found a site that seems somewhat official called..
It is a worldwide band name registry,what you can register your band name (FREE)
I doubt very seriously that there is any authority involved, however what can it hurt?? Image

Posted: 2 May 2003 7:07 am
by David L. Donald
We're Blackpowder and we fear not the theft of this name in France, because they don't use those words like that here. Poudre Noir... it just doesn't have the same ring to it.
I have now idea where the name came from or if we like it or not... it's just there.

Posted: 2 May 2003 7:40 am
by Bobby Lee
"Open Hearts" was named before I joined the band, but the name was one thing that attracted me to it. It reflects or attitudes towards each other, towards our audience, towards the world. I liked the idea of being in a band with a positive spiritual outlook.

<small><img align=right src="" width="64" height="64">Bobby Lee - email: - gigs - CDs
Sierra Session 12 (E9), Williams 400X (Emaj9, D6), Sierra Olympic 12 (C6add9), Sierra Laptop 8 (D13), Fender Stringmaster (E13, A6),
Roland Handsonic, Line 6 Variax

Posted: 2 May 2003 7:52 am
by Jack Francis
Whadya tryin'to say b0b, "PINAL ENVY" wasn't spiritual??
Maybe to Tim it might be! Image

Posted: 2 May 2003 7:57 am
by Ray Jenkins
<SMALL>"PINAL ENVY" wasn't spiritual??</SMALL>
Jack your just envious because our great jams are in Pinal county Image Image Image.
(oh look I found a dress Jack can wear.)

Steeling is still legal in Arizona

Posted: 2 May 2003 7:59 am
by Billy Easton
I think Ray has an extra dress you could use on the weeekend of the jam, just in case yours doesn't get back from the cleaners!! Image Image Image Be sure and wear matching pumps, or you may be socially ruined!! Image Image Image

Billy Easton
Casa Grande, AZ
Southwestern Steel Guitar Association