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Randy Beavers

Lebanon,TN 37090
Post  Posted 23 Apr 2003 11:41 am    
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We've all had influences in our musical lives. Reading about "Your Style" in another thread reminds me of a few lines from a song.

"They say love is touching souls
so surely you've touched mine,
because part of you pours out of me
in these lines from time to time."

[This message was edited by Randy Beavers on 23 April 2003 at 04:12 PM.]

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Paul Graupp


Macon Ga USA
Post  Posted 24 Apr 2003 9:27 am    
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Very nice thought, Randy ! I'm glad you posted it but would you tell us more about the song, writer and singer if you could ??

Regards, Paul
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Randy Beavers

Lebanon,TN 37090
Post  Posted 24 Apr 2003 2:20 pm    
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Hello Paul. It's from a Joni Mitchell song titled "A Case of You". The rest of the song is irrelevant to my point, but I can't help thinking about the people who have influnced me every time I hear it. Our mentors learned and played with an absolute passion for the insturment, and it "rubbed off" on us. I bet that if you could go back several years to when these legendary jam sessions were going on, the players had no idea of the number of people they were going to influence. I don't consider learning a great arrangement or lick being a "copy cat", but rather an essential tool to be called upon when needed.
The whole verse:

I'm a lonley painter, I live in a box of paints.
I'm frightened by the devil so I'm drawn to those who arn't afraid.
I remember they said love is touching souls,
so surely you've touched mine.
Because a part of you pours out of me in these lines from time to time.
Oh, you're in my blood like Holy wine.
You taste so bitter, you taste so sweet.
Oh, I could drink a case of you
and still be on my feet.

I heard the song on a Diana Krall CD, "Live in Paris".
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Paul Graupp


Macon Ga USA
Post  Posted 24 Apr 2003 3:31 pm    
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Randy: I see your point and agree wholeheartedly with you. I thank you for phrasing it in this way. It becomes very apparent.

Regards, Paul
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