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Question For Johnny Cox

Posted: 24 Dec 2002 5:48 am
by Paul Graupp
Johnny: A lot of us took comfort from folks like Ricky Davis telling us about the music played at Jimmy Day's funeral services.

Your talented wife told me on the phone one time how you brought Curly Chalker home. If I am not mistaken from some comments I have seen on the Forum; you are his number one fan. Could you tell us if there was any of Curly's music played for him in the same manner ??

It would mean a lot to me and I'm sure others on the Forum feel the same way.

And if anyone from the RCSGA reads this; I think the same question posed about Bobby Garrett would also be appropriate.

Regards, Paul

Posted: 26 Dec 2002 11:52 am
by Johnny Cox
Paul, Curly was a dear friend to me. We spent many hours together before he moved to Vegas. He did return in 96 with the help of many people. We had the oportunity to spend more time together once he moved back. His loss was devistating to me and to many others, but I have comfort in the fact that Curly gave his life to the Lord before he died.

Beggie Adair played piano at Curly's service and I played The Long Black Limosine on His guitar. There were also some of Curly's recordings played. Thank you for your interest in Curly.



Johnny Cox
So many steels, so little time.

Posted: 26 Dec 2002 12:59 pm
by Bobbe Seymour
I beg forgivness for my horrifing spelling.I think I'll work on this before I post more.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by BobbeSeymour on 31 December 2002 at 03:53 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 26 Dec 2002 1:32 pm
by chas smith
These are the kinds of actions that set a high standard for the rest of us and are commensurate with the kind of person Johnny must be, it also reinforces the sense of "family" for the steel guitar community, regardless of whether or not we always agree with each other.

Posted: 26 Dec 2002 4:08 pm
by Roger Kelly
Not only was Johnny a good friend of/to Curly, but Johnny's rendering of Curly's "Shadow Of Your Smile" and "The Nearness Of You" on Johnny's "Ballads, Shuffles and Swing", CD is like hearing Curly play it. One can feel the emotion that Johnny puts into those tumes. I play that CD a lot! If you like Country Steel Playing at it's best get yourself a copy soon. Happy Holidays to all.

Posted: 26 Dec 2002 4:41 pm
by Paul Graupp
Bobbe: You always seem to say the most appropriate things !! I couldn't add a single thought to what you said but I'm sure glad you said it !!

Ron: Thanks for your reply and we'll be watching this for any more information. And while Bobbe spells his name differently, GIANT in both cases still comes out the same !!

chas: Man, I wish I had said that !!

Roger: I cannot forget a post by Johnny's wife where she said: Sometimes when he's downstairs in the music room, I could swear Curly was down there. She knows him better than all of us so that tells you something special about Johnny, doesn't it ??

Regards, Paul Image Image

Posted: 26 Dec 2002 7:22 pm
by Bobbe Seymour
I feel a little part of Curley lives in Johnny's head.
And a whole lot in his heart!

Posted: 27 Dec 2002 5:20 am
by Rick Garrett
Mr. Paul, they did indeed play Dads music at the funeral in honor of him and his career. Im not familiar with the exact songs they used but maybe Ron will weigh in with what he knows about it. Thanks for asking. I know it would have meant alot to him. God Bless in the coming New Year.

Rick Garrett

Posted: 27 Dec 2002 8:22 am
by Butch Foster
Friends, thank youfor the very moving thread. It is really meaningful to know the thoughtfullness of Mr. Cox, I have enoyed his music very much and have learned from previous threads that he and Joan are just as wonderful individuals as they are musicians! It was also meaningfull to learn of the farewells to Mr. Chalker and one of my favorites, Mr. Garrett. This forum provides such a great service to all of us wanting to learn of steel guitar music and they people who make it possible! Thanks, everyone!

Posted: 27 Dec 2002 4:42 pm
by Merv Dawson
Paul, Bobby's music was indeed played at his service. I preached his Funeral service and it was a rough ride since I had known him from the time we were both about 16.He was also a member of my Church. He was a very active member and he was very dedicated to his God. He was ready for the journey. Bobby's music was played before the service and some of it during the service. It was sad for those of us who remained behind, but it was release for Bobby and his illness. I still miss him, as I'm sure all of his friends and family do. Thanks for remembering him. He was one of the all time greats. IMHO.

Posted: 6 Jan 2003 4:16 am
by Neil Lang
Curly was my Idol for many years & I guess still is. He brought a breath of fresh air to the steel back in the sixties I remember. I got to hear your wife Joan play at Scottys 2 years ago, I really enjoyed her show, her tone was just fabulous! Hard for a Sho-Bud freak like me to admit!