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New Steelers Chatroom!

Posted: 22 Dec 2002 10:48 am
by Johan Jansen
OK Guys, you asked for it, and it's in the air again!
A new Steelers-chatbox, STEELERS ALLEY!!
Just go to
click on steelers alley, accept the pop-up, click on yes, (Ja) choose a name or nickname and you are in, simple as that!
Thanks Marco from CNI webdesign

Image Click on the pic!

Posted: 24 Dec 2002 10:00 am
by Hans Drissen
Hi Johan,
Great initiative! I hope as many steelplayers from all over the world will log in regulary,because I think that schould be the idea; to communicate with each other about steelguitar as also with steelplayers from different country's.