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Kevin Hatton


Buffalo, N.Y.
Post  Posted 23 Dec 2002 8:28 pm    
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I saw Gary Morse (Dwight Yoakam band) at Wolfy's in Nashville Friday night. We both play big bodied Pro-II Sho-Buds. If you ever want to hear the ultimate Sho-Bud tone played by a master player go see Gary when he plays down on Broadway. He brought his Twin reverbs out Saturday night and played a smokin version of Panhandle Rag that was incredible. He also brought out some lap steels and played some vintage western Swing on them. Gary has researched and honed the Sho-Bud tone for years and has got what I think is the best Sho-Bud tone I've ever heard(although I'm sure there are others). He is a monster player.

[This message was edited by Kevin Hatton on 23 December 2002 at 08:30 PM.]

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Mark Ardito

Chicago, IL, USA
Post  Posted 23 Dec 2002 9:07 pm    
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Man, I was at the Michigan Steel show 2 years ago and he taught at the seminar and then he played a set on Saturday night and then on Sunday morning. He had TONE like you wouldn't believe. He is a big Line6 POD user. However, that Sho~Bud of his helps in the tone department also! I play a single neck Sho~Bud Pro I and I go for that Ralph Mooney tone also. Yes, I think Gary Morse is MR. SHO-BUD of the present day! Can't wait for the new Dwight record!

Last time Dwight was in Chicago I couldn't make it, but next time he comes around, I am getting tickets and sitting up front near Gary Morse!


Sho~Bud Pro I, Fender D-8 (C6&E13)

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Gary Morse


Post  Posted 24 Dec 2002 9:11 am    
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Hey guys....thanks for the positive feedback! I have to admit that I am a Sho-Bud junkie! After years of searching and trying out tons of gear I am the closest I've ever been to hearing the same sound out of my amps that I hear in my head, if that makes any sense. The so-called vintage sound is the sound that I grew up hearing and will always be the tone I associate with classic pedal steel.
Speaking of Dwight Yoakam......the new cd is already in the works and I will be laying down my tracks in L.A. in January. Pete Anderson (producer/guitarist) prefers overdubbing steel and fiddle which is actually a good thing. It affords the opportunity to really put the steel under the microscope in regards to tuning, tone, licks, etc. From what I've been hearing, the songs are going to be alot of fun to play on,too!
In the meantime, I've been doing gigs with Tanya Tucker and playing downtown on Broadway whenever possible. Tanya's show is really put together well and I'm particularly enjoying getting to play a fair amount of dobro with her.....
See y'all down on Broadway sometime. Happy Holidays!
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