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JB Arnold

Longmont,Co,USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 22 Dec 2002 10:25 am    
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I got this e-mail from this guy off of Cage's website. Looks like a Good idea-maybe he should link up here....


I found your website and thought that you would be willing to help me try and stop Guitars from being stolen.

Just over two years ago, I setup the website, Its going ok, I have already had a couple of successes, but to really get it going, I need your help.

ItsBeenStolen is a service to the community, based upon donations and volunteer time, so like most musicians, its run on a shoe string, and I cant afford commercial banner advertising.

How can you help me in this ?. Get the word out, tell guitarists everywhere, and most importantly put a link to the Stolen Guitar Database on your website.

You can link to the Stolen Guitar Database on or if you want to select a specific make, you can use the ‘Powered By’ link, the code is at if you need help configuring it please let me know. For acoustic Guitars set the ‘cat’ to 31

I found your website via . I am not using a 'list', so you don't need to reply with remove or anything, as I wont mail you again unless I find your website on another Guitar related site, and forget that I already emailed you.

Best regards, Seasons Greetings, and PLEASE update your site with that link, together we can reduce the theft of Guitars and help to make the world a better place.

I thank you in anticipation.

Steve James

Remember *if* ItsBeenStolen or you want to know *if* ItsBeenStolen check it at

Fulawka D-10 9&5
Mullen Royal Precision D-10 8 & 5
"All in all, looking back, I'd have to say the best advice anyone ever gave me was 'Hands Up, Don't Move!"

[This message was edited by JB Arnold on 22 December 2002 at 10:28 AM.]

[This message was edited by JB Arnold on 22 December 2002 at 10:29 AM.]

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