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Lois Johnson

Posted: 20 Oct 2002 7:14 am
by Dennis Detweiler

Whatever became of Lois Johnson (I think that was her name?). Used to be a regular on ET's tv show in the 60s.

Posted: 20 Oct 2002 10:34 am
by Smiley Roberts
Lois is,very much,alive & well,& living in the NashVILE area. My very first job,when I arrived in NashVILE in '68,was w/ Lois. We worked at the "Whiskey-a-Go-Go" in Mason City,Ia. I played,(of all things) drums w/ her,for two weeks. She's,now,doing back-up vocals on sessions. I see her every once-in-a-while,& she seems to be doing fine.
Next time I see her,I will tell her that she is being thought of.

<font face="monospace" size="3"><pre> ~ ~
©¿© It don't mean a thang,
mm if it ain't got that twang.</pre></font>

Posted: 20 Oct 2002 2:54 pm
by Paul Graupp
Smiley: Add my regards in with his because I used to enjoy her very much as well !!

Regards, Paul Image Image Image

Posted: 20 Oct 2002 8:40 pm
by Dennis Detweiler
I always thought she was a great singer and never heard anything more about her after ET's show went off the air. Most of the other regulars went on for a while after the tv exposure. Or still going on.

Posted: 20 Oct 2002 9:22 pm
by Ken Williams
We did a couple of shows with Lois Johnson back in mid to late 70's. She had a steel player that was about 19 years old. I thought he was great but I don't recall his name. I've asked if anyone knows who that was a couple of times on the forum, with no luck. So, I guess I'm asking again. His older brother played drums in the band, I think.


Posted: 20 Oct 2002 9:32 pm
by Miguel e Smith
I had the pleasure of working with Lois for a few months back in the early or mid-70's (Don't know if I was 'that' player but that was about my age). What a great singer and a cool chick. Her husband, Don Silver, traveled with her and played as well as kept the bus running. I remember she could out-drink all the guys in the band (and we thought we were good at it).

I haven't talked with her since, but I'd love to. Really cool lady.


Posted: 21 Oct 2002 6:07 am
by Mike Jones
Hey Miguel,
I worked for Lois also for a couple of months during that time. Seems like it was from Aug of 1971 till Jan of 1972.
Don Andrews and Dennis McCall was also on the gig. Great singer and a gracious lady. Don Silvers was a hoot. Image
See Ya brother,

Posted: 21 Oct 2002 6:21 am
by nick allen

Posted: 21 Oct 2002 7:43 am
by Miguel e Smith
Mikey I;

Hey dude! Don would disappear every day or so with things like bobby-pins or tin-foil and have the bus running smooth again! Really amazing. When I went out, it was a couple of outher cats (I'm sure they changed pickers a lot)

Stay in touch,

Mikey II

Posted: 21 Oct 2002 11:20 am
by Paul Graupp
Hey Nick: Nice link and thanks for that !!
When I worked the Daybreak Show out of Raleigh, NC on channel 5 in the 60s, we had a girl singer from Durham also named; Lois Johnson and just a pretty as this lady but she had blonde hair.

One day in her presence I mentioned I was going to go to Nashville for something. She said: Let me call my husband I'm going with you........

Regards, Paul Image Image Image

Posted: 23 Oct 2002 3:50 pm
by GaryHoetker
I particularly like the LP titled "Removing the Shadow" she cut on MGM Records with Hank Jr back in about 1969.

Posted: 23 Oct 2002 7:00 pm
by Keith Woods
Smiley....I'll bet this is the Lois Johnson who sang on WNOX in Knoxville? In the late 50's Lowell Blanchard, host of the noontime and Sat. night radio show, was looking for a replacement for Don Gibson, who Chet had finally convinced to make the move to Nashville. I rode up from Chatt. with Kirk Hansard to play the noon show. After hearing him sing Kirk got the job and wound up marrying Lois. Not all in the same day. Image
Both were really good singers and good people
but eventually divorced. Image