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Author Topic:  Best body material for a PSG
Frank Parish


Nashville,Tn. USA
Post  Posted 3 Sep 2002 3:57 pm    
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I recently made a comment about plywood guitars that prompted one of our members to send me an e-mail. ( A negative one) I've heard some negative comments about plywood guitars from a few people that I'll not mention here so what is your guitar made of? One person in particular I know said he was asked to take his guitar back home and bring in another one because the one he was playing sounded bad and as it turned out it was a plywood guitar. Do you know what your guitars body is made of and do you think it makes a difference?
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 3 Sep 2002 4:38 pm    
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Well, I haven't come across one yet that I couldn't get a good sound out of!

No, you can't make a Telecaster sound like an ES-335, but you can get a "good sound" out of both of them...and it's the same way with steels.
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Mike Perlowin

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 4 Sep 2002 6:10 pm    
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Well, there's plywood and there's plywood. The high quality laminated die board used to make steel guitars is not the same thing as the stuff you buy to build shelves.

I have 2 MSAs. One laminate and one solid maple. I prefer the maple. It has a slightly richer tone (possiby due to the fact that it has a different pickup) but there is not a great deal of difference between the way they 2 sound. They both sound fine. They are both thououghly professional instruments. Either one will work on a gig or recording.

The big difference between the 2 guitars is the way they feel, and I think that has more to do with the individual guitars, and the fact that they are set up slightly differently.

No two guitars will ever be identical, even those made by the same maker from wood cut from the same tree.

I might add that I've heard some guitars made from die board that I thought sounded terrific, and some that sounded like crap. The same thing with solid wood guitars. The thing to do is find a guitar you like and buy that one. It doesn't matter whether it's maple or rosewood, or plywood, or paper mache, as long as the guitar cuts it.

Having said that, I must admit I'm VERY curious about the new carbon fiber MSAs.
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