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Tony Dingus


Kingsport, Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 14 Jul 2002 12:23 pm    
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I have a keyboard gigbag that I use when I do sessions at one particular studio that has a long flight a stairs to climb. Anybody
else use one on occasion.
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John Russell


Austin, Texas
Post  Posted 14 Jul 2002 6:46 pm    
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I've been using one for a couple of years now. It's made by Kaces and it's about 42" X 14" X 6". It weighs much less than a hard shell PSG case. I had to build a box inside to fit the guitar including pads to rest it on and metal to reinforce it with on the corners. I had an old rolling duffle bag I wasn't using and I cannibalized the wheels off it. The leg pouch fits inside the case but the pedal rack has to go in a vinyl case strapped to the outside.

It is definitely lighter than the standard case and since I don't fly to any gigs, I find it easier to move around than the stock case. It does take a little longer to strap everything together. And it did take several hours of labor to do all the fabricating, work I happen to enjoy but not for everybody.

I didn't want to spend the extra bucks but for about $100-$150, you can get a nicer keyboard case with a hard internal case and moveable partitions to configure it to fit--still pretty light. I now wish I had done that. Call or e-mail some of the manufacturers and see what the options are.

An alternative is getting a good luggage dolly and bungee the standard case to that. (Lowes has some great velcro fastened luggage straps.) Add another handle to one end of the case--they're available in most hardware stores. You still have a heavy item to hoist into your vehicle but the to and from part is easier.
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