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Topic: Open comments about Robert Rogers |
Richard Plummer
From: nashville tennessee
Posted 9 Jul 2002 1:03 pm
I pondered all last night and most of today about how to address this letter and who to.Should I address it to the individual who reekes with negetivity or to Robert himself or the community.I finally decided to do all three together.
I have been talking to Robert frequently on the telephone for the past months and I called him in fact last night to wish him luck for tonight.He played for me over the phone some of the songs he had worked out,as well as other things. I was blown away to say the least.Robert certainly doesnt play like someone with only 10 years of experience.He plays some awsome c-6 stuff.He has offered to sit with me and show me for no charge some things he knows.Honestly who else is going to do that for a person.He obviously has a gift from God as far as music.I knew another person like him years ago.This person actually learned the Bango in a single weekend and the bass guitar in 2 weeks.Then things happened and he quit music and got into drugs and in trouble with the law.I would feel horrible if I knew I had caused a ledgimate talent not to utalize his gift.I believe he is on his way to be a monster player and I am not to proud or uppity to ask for his assistance.I mean if it is offered take advantage of it.
To the person who wrote the original email,it is obvious,that Robert has more talent in one of his picking fingers,or even in his muting pinky than you could even hope to have in your whole body.It is obvious you are void of talent and despise the fact that a young man,who probably from the age of 14 and withing the first week of playing could probably out pick you.If you would spendc the time practicing,instead of sending hateful emails and being jealous,then maybe you could be as good,though I doubt it.If you arent now,you wont be then,because he is light years ahead of you as far as desire,love of the instrument and talent.
As far as Robert being on the same show as the Big E,at least he has the gutts to get up there.I dont see you up there and doubt I ever will.People like you are followers not leaders.Also he isnt playig with him,Hal Rugg is.Roger is playing the first set and was asked to do so.He was feeling good until your hateful envious email.As far as Buddy shutting him down in 30 seconds,I am sure Robert considers 30 seconds to be great.I wish I could keep up with him for 30 seconds.
Lastly to the steel community,we have a treasure in Robert which is not often seen.Here is a kid who is willig to share what he knows with others without the hope of monitary return.How often is that found.Not often if at all.Most want a per hour fee,or fee for cassettes or videos etc.I would encourage any of you to get together and take advantage of what he knows.
Also to Robert,in the Bible,Paul the Apostle talks to Timothy and tells him not to let people despise his youth.Obviously again this person is despiteful of such a youn person having such a great gift.
I look foward to seeing you on Tuesday night and I am sure you will do fine.
Your friend
Richard |
Jeff Lampert
From: queens, new york city
Posted 10 Jul 2002 6:31 am
Unfortunately, in all walks of life, certain older, bitter people tend to take out their wrath on young, enthusiastic people. They are resentful of the youth, energy, promise, and accomplishment, and spend much of their time thinking of ways to "get back" at them. As hard as it is to imagine, these people enjoy making someone else unhappy by hitting right at their ego (one's intellect, musicianship, etc.), where it hurts the most. This is one of the poorer sides of human nature. But there is a positive side. This type of thing happens to everyone, including the greatest of the great. Although it's hard to do it, the best way to handle it is like the proverbial "water off a duck's back". Recognize that this is a pointless act of meanness, understand that one criticism does not undo bucketloads of compliments, know that you're the better man, and don't let it bother you. If we can do that, then we will have accomplished a lot more than learning a a hundred new licks. [This message was edited by Jeff Lampert on 10 July 2002 at 07:41 AM.] |
Frank Estes
From: Huntsville, AL
Pete Burak
From: Portland, OR USA
Posted 10 Jul 2002 7:35 am
I have had some friends that would do this type of stuff as a practical joke.
They usually come clean once they see you are going totally bonkers.
Maybe this is the case here?
Tony Farr
From: Madison, Tennessee, USA (deceased)
Posted 10 Jul 2002 8:55 am
Robert is a great steel player and we do need more young guys like him.With what he knows now, just think of what he'll know ten years from now, Robert keep up the good work. |
Bob Farlow
From: Marietta,GA,
Posted 11 Jul 2002 8:42 am
Well, the Super Jam is now history, and Robert is part of it. I think Robert did just great, and my hat's off to him. Keep it up man. |
Doug Seymour
From: Jamestown NY USA (deceased)
Posted 11 Jul 2002 9:33 am
Just home from Bobbe's this morning @ 7:15 am or so & slept a bit. Time for my daily visit to b0b's great forum & what do I see...
Folks a'talkin' about Robert Rodgers! I heard that feller pick the first set at the Bell Cove Tuesday night. He's on his way, folks let me tell you! Great Robert.....(& then he had the nerve to tell me he plays fiddle, too!) My other favorite instrument. I told Kenny Sears @ the Station Inn Monday night he & Hoot were doing the only thing prettier to me than a steel guitar......Twin
Fiddles!!! (or even 3!) I learned to play upright bass with old 78s on a wind-up victrola (I could adjust the speed so I could play without having to re-tune the bass!) Bobbe was just about to enter kindergarten or 1st grade! I had Bob Wills
records & learned to love his western swing &
anybody else's for that matter! DO NOT miss the Time Jumpers! Junior Knight was sittin' in, too! What a time! Loved it! |
Joe Miraglia
From: Jamestown N.Y.
Posted 11 Jul 2002 1:19 pm
Roger--If Uncle Doug thinks you've got it, then you have nothing to worry about--keep up the good work!
Doug--Glad to hear you are back so that you can hear me tomorrow night at the Casino in Bemus Point (9:30-1:30). Of course you have two other choices--across the bridge at Chautauqua you could hear Brad Paisley with his talented steel player OR go down the road to Erie to hear Alan Jackson with his talented steel player Robbie Flint BUT I know your preferred choice would be to hear me Joe |