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The Ultimate Steel Guitar Forum

Posted: 27 Jun 2002 12:32 pm
by Joe Miraglia
I would like to see this Ultimate Steel Guitar Forum with the following conditions:
1) Must like and play only traditional country music
2) Must all play the same brand PSG
3) Must all tune the same--Emmons setup
4) No speed pickers allowed
5) No dealers or steel manufacturers except the one we all use
6) Must be at least 60 years of age or older
7) Must all be from the South--at least south of the North Pole
8) No groups or clicks
9) Must wish everyone Happy Birthday--not just the super pros
10) No bagpipe or banjo players--we must keep this elite
11) Anyone can join that is not a steel guitar player just so they don't know more about music than we do
12) The purpose of this Forum is to share thoughts and information about steel guitar--Joe

Posted: 27 Jun 2002 1:03 pm
by Bob I. Williams
I hope I can stay on the FORUM,At least maybe be on here parttime. I qualify for the above except I use the Day setup,And I better confess, I tune D9th

Posted: 27 Jun 2002 1:27 pm
by b0b
This would be quite a contrast from our current policies. Lest anyone misunderstand, I'm going to respond point by point. Then you'll understand why this is not your "Ultimate Steel Guitar Forum". Image

<ol>[*]Must like and play only traditional country music. Players of all kinds of music are welcome here.
[*]Must all play the same brand PSG. Players of all brands are welcome here.
[*]Must all tune the same--Emmons setup. Players of all tunings are welcome here
[*]No speed pickers allowed. Speed pickers are welcome here.
[*]No dealers or steel manufacturers except the one we all use. All dealers and manufacturers are welcome here.
[*]Must be at least 60 years of age or older. All ages are welcome here.
[*]Must all be from the South--at least south of the North Pole. Participants from anywhere in the world are welcome here.
[*]No groups or clicks. Groups and cliques are human nature. We don't discriminate against them.
[*]Must wish everyone Happy Birthday--not just the super pros. Birthday wishes to all are encouraged in the "Our Extended Family" section.
[*]No bagpipe or banjo players--we must keep this elite. I tried to enforce this once. Image
[*]Anyone can join that is not a steel guitar player just so they don't know more about music than we do. Musical knowledge is not a requirement for membership.
[*]The purpose of this Forum is to share thoughts and information about steel guitar. Amen![/list]

<img align=left src="" border="0"><small>               Bobby Lee</small>
-b0b-   <small> </small>
-System Administrator<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by b0b on 27 June 2002 at 02:28 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 27 Jun 2002 2:41 pm
by C Dixon

Posted: 27 Jun 2002 3:29 pm
by Frank Parish
This forum would be downright boring if we couldn't disagree on what the correct way to tune is. And everyone knows it sounds better and stays in tune better when it's a black guitar of any kind except......!

Posted: 27 Jun 2002 3:51 pm
by bud fischer
whats wrong with bagpipe players, ahh pickers

Posted: 27 Jun 2002 4:03 pm
by Ray Montee
Joe! Great idea but as b0b states, he's tried to remain flexible.
I especially like your thot's on having to be OVER 60! Great qualifier!
But, if I was on YOUR forum, would I have to terminate my rehersals for a new wave sound group with whom I'm hoping to hit the big time? We've got dual banjers, one 1st chair bagpiper, a female that plays/doubles on triangle and tamborene BUT she's got a great personality and her cuz'n Martha that twirls batons with fire on the ends....with the lights out. I tho't we just might have a chance but I sure wouldn't want to miss out on your NEW Forum! COuld you make some exceptions for my "special interest group"?

Posted: 27 Jun 2002 4:20 pm
by Jerry Roller
Without question, this IS the ultimate Steel Guitar Forum!!! Thanks b0b!

Posted: 27 Jun 2002 5:05 pm
by Paul Graupp
Is there another way to say Amen other than AMEN !! I don't want to sound monotonous but I feel the same way.....

Regards, Paul

Posted: 27 Jun 2002 6:00 pm
by Don Olson

Posted: 27 Jun 2002 9:50 pm
by Alvin Blaine
HEY, I play banjo and bagpipes!

Posted: 27 Jun 2002 9:55 pm
by Bobby Lee
Don't ask, don't tell. Image

Posted: 28 Jun 2002 3:37 am
by Bob Farlow
One thing for sure --- our forum has class.

Posted: 28 Jun 2002 8:24 am
by Kenny Dail
Joe, you are 'puttin us on.' Right? Image

kd...and the beat goes on...

Posted: 28 Jun 2002 8:50 am
by Bob Hayes
I play a Carter in "BAGGY PANTS" and I'm definetly not you're average "Speed Picker",
I'm not even you're getting up to speed picker!!!.Happy birthday Everyone..but I'de like to skip a few or 4,5,6,7,8.......
Who can define traditional country music..!The Eagles used to be more in the Rock genre..NOW THEY are considered country..and maybe close to traditional..etc...etc...etc.....

Posted: 28 Jun 2002 8:28 pm
by Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris NFM

Posted: 28 Jun 2002 10:42 pm
by Wayne Morgan
This is so much better than TV, sometimes it even cuts down on my steel playing, HUMMMM !!
Better go steel something


Wayne Morgan
BMI D10 8x8, Nash 400,'63 Fender Super Reverbe,and '71 telecaster custom

Posted: 29 Jun 2002 6:18 am
by Dr. Hugh Jeffreys
TO: Joe from Panama: Whether irony or satire, your point is well taken! - HJ

Posted: 29 Jun 2002 9:46 am
by Al Vescovo
Joe, If I were you, I'd stay away from Hawaii!!

Posted: 29 Jun 2002 10:00 am
by Robert L. Jones
Why dont we all just play accoustic steel guitars , Dobro, Sheerhorn, Beard, Benoit , Rudy Q. jones? Who needs to be plugged in?
jus` kidden"

Posted: 4 Jul 2002 4:10 pm
by wayne yakes md
Wish on...............

Posted: 4 Jul 2002 4:36 pm
by George McLellan
Not to get into a urinating contest, but ya gotta lean a fond ear to the pipes. They work well with the steel..........depending on if they're in tune of coarse. Image


Posted: 5 Jul 2002 1:09 am
by basilh
Hi Joe.

Posted: 5 Jul 2002 9:13 pm
by John P. Phillips
EXCEPT WHUT ??????????????

"Let's go STEEL something"
If it feels good, do it. If it feels COUNTRY, do it twice