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Hi and request for assist w/ steel problem

Posted: 26 Jun 2002 12:18 am
by Jeannie L Seymour
Hi guys,

Have not posted on the forum in so long I did not know if I was still registered.

Think about all of my steel guitar buddies alot : Mike Weirauch, Frank Estes, Leon, Billy Robinson, Lloyd, Tommy W, Ricky D, and many many more. Hope ya'll are doing great.

My steel problem:
Carter website is using my picture without my permission. I have emailed them requesting the picture be removed without any success. The picture was taken several years ago at a steel convention and I never authorized its use. I am no longer involved with the steel guitar business -- I asked Bobbe to stop using my pictures and he did.

I think it is tasteless that my picture is being used on a website as a deliberate dig at Bobbe. You know its unfair when an exwife agrees with her exhusband about something.

Anyway, I've asked several times for my picture to be removed. I am working 60+ hours a week as a float nurse right now and would rather not waste my time pursuing legal action against Carter. For one thing, I really like Bud Carter and I'm sure he has nothing to do with the illegal use of my pic.

Maybe Carter Guitar Co. will listen to ya'll. I guess they don't care if they are upsetting me since I won't be buying any guitars.

My email address is
if anyone has any thoughts to share.

BTW, this is not an attack on Carter and I don't want to stir up anything. I just want to be removed from this situation. PLUS, its a bad picture :>

Posted: 26 Jun 2002 4:38 am
by John Fabian
Jeannie Image ... Really great to hear from you.

We have not received any emails from you at all, and no phone calls from you, or letters, or faxes, either.

Had we received any of these, we would have immediately responded, as we have this morning.

You will see that it already has been removed.

Warmest regards to you from Bud Carter, Ann Fabian, and me,

John Fabian
Carter Steel Guitars

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by John Fabian on 26 June 2002 at 05:39 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 26 Jun 2002 5:14 am
by Jerry Hayes
Hey Jeannie,
Personally I really miss seeing your picture in Bobbe's flyers and such. Why don't you post a picture of yourself on the Forum from time to time. We all miss seeing you for sure.....Have a great day...JH

Livin' in the Past and the Future with a 12 string Mooney tuning.

Posted: 26 Jun 2002 8:15 am
by Bob Carlson
John Fabian,
If you didn't have permission to use her picture....enough said.


Posted: 26 Jun 2002 8:37 am
by Ricky Davis
Hey Jeannie; good to see you on here again and we miss you too.
Glad to see John fixed the problem.....and now you can rest at ease......check in from time to time as you are well missed and you were an icon in the business and never will be totally out of our minds and hearts.

Posted: 26 Jun 2002 9:13 am
by David Wright
Funny this all came up, I took a few pic's of MYSELF from there web sight with out there permission, and put them on my web page O you would have thought I had stolen companty secerts, Ann asked me to remove them or give them creit for them, I felt I really didn't have to do this, I was wrong, Ann wrote my web hosting and told them I took the pic's with out there permission, My host gave me 48 hrs to remove them or they would shut me down...I really didn't understand the big deal, they were pictures of me at a steel show, playing a Sierra , I guess what I'm saying is "what comes around Goes around..or something like that... Image

[url=]My Web Page[/url]
Sierra Guitars

Sierra S-12 9&7

Posted: 26 Jun 2002 9:52 am
by Smiley Roberts
<SMALL>Think about all of my steel guitar buddies alot : Mike Weirauch, Frank Estes, Leon, Billy Robinson, Lloyd, Tommy W, Ricky D, and many many more.</SMALL>
Geez,she didn't even mention me. Image Don't know why.I'm heartbroken! Your profile says that your addy is: .
Is that,still,it??

<font face="monospace" size="3"><pre> ~ ~
©¿© ars longa,
mm vita brevis

Posted: 26 Jun 2002 10:04 am
by Marco Schouten
I was lucky to see the picture this morning.

It reminds me of the song: "You are so beautifull"

Posted: 26 Jun 2002 10:05 am
by Joey Ace
Image Good one David!!! Image

I hate when things get so "corporate",
but I love it "when the shoe's reversed".

Posted: 26 Jun 2002 10:15 am
by Mike Weirauch
<SMALL>Geez,she didn't even mention me</SMALL>
......Yes she did. You are included in the many, many more catagory, maybe!!!!!!! Image

Posted: 26 Jun 2002 10:32 am
by Tim Harr
I am not sure exactly why Carter wastes space with a .gif called BSLHS...

I am sure I know what that means and IMHO it is the most tasteless display by a business against another dealer I've ever seen.

You know, all anyone ever talks about is how much Carter Guitar Co. is so friendly and has such a good rapport with thier customers and potential customers....I have always known them to be just that but......

Why would they resort to this?

It is Bull$hit...


Posted: 26 Jun 2002 10:57 am
by Ray Montee
Jeannie didn't mention ME either!!!?

I guess, to her, I was just another pretty face in the crowd.

Just one more heartbreak........Whoooa, how can I go on?

Posted: 26 Jun 2002 11:22 am
by Ron Page
I'm glad to see this was resolved by John Fabian immediately and without incident. That needs to happen more -- people need to quit hauling around axes to grind.

Anyone who has pictures of me is free to use them as they see fit as long as they don't do anything to improve my bad reputation.


Posted: 26 Jun 2002 11:30 am
by Tim Harr
It never should have happened.

If you have the smarts to know how to post a picture on the www then you have the smarts to know if it is for the wrong reasons....

maybe not..... book smarts do not always equate to common sense or people skills

Posted: 26 Jun 2002 1:52 pm
by Bobbe Seymour
Thank you Tim, and everyone. I don't mind Ann picking on me personally, as a matter of fact , I'm sort of honored, but Jeannie, still my dear great friend was rightly disturbed by this gesture of distaste. Being a professional model when I met her,she was well paid for her work and time. This company that saw to exploit her likness for over a year technically owes her many dollars. Wonder if they plan to re-emburse her for the promo-pictures they blantently took advantage of over this period of time? I hope so, but I think ---------- then again,this isn't really much of my concern anymore, I just feel Jeannie was really used and taken advantage of.

Posted: 26 Jun 2002 1:56 pm
by Bobbe Seymour
Thank you Ann, I do have great legs!
Your biggest fan,
Bobbe Seymour,
President of "BSLHS"

Posted: 26 Jun 2002 2:53 pm
by Frank Estes
Hi Jeannie!

Sorry, but you will always be a part of the steel guitar world. Really! So, stop trying to divorce us too! Image Image


Posted: 26 Jun 2002 4:27 pm
by C Dixon
When I first saw Jeannie, she was sitting next to Bobbe at the ISGC a number of years ago. Tom Morrell was playing western swing on the stage. And Tom recognized Bobbe to the audience and said words to this affect: (I have forgotten his exact verbage)

"Bobbe stand up and introduce your daughter!"

Well, the ISGC came alive!!! Image I thought Tom's lead guitar player was going to fall off the stage. I was laughing soo hard and for a while that place was a mad house.

In a word, it was fantastic. I could not get over how pretty Jeannie was. She was gorgeous. And her father sitting next to her was the envy of just about every man in the audience Image

Anyway, I often told how beautiful I thought (and still think) she was (is). But the real beauty is when you talk to her. She is like Mary Hart on ET. Her beauty really begins with her soul and it broadcasts from there.

So when I decided to host the Atlanta show, naturally we wanted Bobbe (AND his daughter Image) to be there. Which they graciously complied.

Well unbeknownst to me, several of my beloved staff members (knowing how much I adored this precious soul), had a camera ready. And When Jeannie and her father were setting up their booth, I walked over to welcome them.

Jeannie with her endearing smile came right over and without a hint of bashfulness hugged my neck. (I have NOT washed it since Image).

And as she did, my staff snapped several quick pictures. They later had the picture enlarged and presented it to me as a surprise. It now hangs in my music room. And what a treasure it is.

'jest magin (IF'N YA WILL) a 70 yer ole "has not been" a walkin by that pitchur and a dreamin and a dreamin. ("youth is truly wasted on the young!") Sa wunder he don have a heart spasm and keel ovur dade rat thar in the musical rum flo!! Image

When I first read this thread, I ran down to make sure my picture was still there. Cuz aint NO body gonna git if from me neither; either. Cuz its MINE! And Jeannie, ya caint have it neither; either Image

I Love Bobbe Seymour, and his beautiful ex-daughter ta pieces.

"Jes don see how come she had ta be HIS D and not mine. After all I am the purties one atween us bof."

Oh well, God bless them, and all of you,


Posted: 26 Jun 2002 5:50 pm
by Paul Graupp
I haven't smiled so much since I last went into the Humor Forum. Things just haven't been nice or funny lately but I think this thread has turned a corner for me. Each of you is so genuinely human a person can't help but love all of you and the way you live life. I have enjoyed all of this so much and I'm glad it has been resolved so ammicably. That speaks highly for everyone !

Best Regards, Paul Image Image Image Image

Posted: 26 Jun 2002 7:32 pm
by Bill Hamner
Hi Jeannie, What a surprise!! I thought you had gone on and forgotten us. Please take a moment to review this thread ,top to bottom.
It should make you aware of the happiness and cheer your presence brings to this forum ... we need you here. You are a wonderful part of the Steel Guitar community. The only picture I have of you is the one etched in my mind from the first time I met you. It is indelible ...I carry it ever where I go. Jeannie, I agree whole heartedly with Carl,your beauty is much more than skin deep,it flows from deep within and is a treasure you are blessed with.
Luv Ya & best wishes,

Posted: 26 Jun 2002 7:38 pm
by Brett Day
Jeannie is a wonderful friend of mine too. She helped me get my Emmons steel guitar and she did a wonderful job at helping me get it. Brett Day Emmons S-10

Posted: 26 Jun 2002 7:49 pm
by Bobby Boggs
Where is this BSLHS page.Did a search could not find it.Did they take it down already?? --bb

Posted: 26 Jun 2002 10:41 pm
by John Steele
Pavlov would be so proud.

Posted: 27 Jun 2002 10:11 am
by Brett Day
Hey, Jeannie, I haven't heard from you yet. I know you're busy but I just want to hear from you. I wish I could see you again. I think of you every time I sit down behind my Emmons. I found your new e-mail address and I e-mailed you. Please e-mail me. Your buddy, Brett, Emmons S-10