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What type of shoes....

Posted: 16 Jun 2002 1:01 pm
by Jim West
What type of shoes do you all prefer to wear while playing? My favorites are Nike tennis shoes. Tried cowboy boots but couldn't get used to them, toes kept gettin' tangled up in the pedal rods.

Posted: 16 Jun 2002 1:06 pm
by CrowBear Schmitt
this question has been asked before here.
i was amazed by how many play barefoot !
Sneakers are what i'm most comfortable with.
Steel digs Blue suede shoes ... Image

Posted: 16 Jun 2002 1:54 pm
by Al Udeen
I dont think Russ Hicks ever played Barefoot, when he was with Barefoot Jerry!

Posted: 16 Jun 2002 2:15 pm
by Winnie Winston
whatever's comfy.
For a long time I had a favorite pair of cowboy books. Then I got some reebocks.
You just have to be able to hit the accurately, and have enough ankle flexibility.


Posted: 16 Jun 2002 2:17 pm
by Joerg Hennig
Oh no, not again!
Actually, and I think this is a point that is often overlooked, it also has to do with the shape of the pedals themselves. On those real nice large pedals that I have now, I feel equally comfortable in sports shoes (at home), mocassins (rehearsals) or cowboy boots (on stage). The only ones that are not too great for playing are my mountain hiking boots.

Posted: 16 Jun 2002 5:11 pm
by John De Maille
Been playing in cowboy boots for 25 yrs.I feel more comfortable with them. I think it has to do with being able to pivot my left foot. The undershot heel really helps with mobility. At home, any old shoe will suffice,except work boots.

Posted: 16 Jun 2002 10:10 pm
by chas smith
We've been here before, I think we should "cut to the chase" and just start talking about what underwear we prefer.

Posted: 17 Jun 2002 3:13 am
by Mike Perlowin
<SMALL> I think we should "cut to the chase" and just start talking about what underwear we prefer.-</SMALL>

Steel players wear underwear?
That's what I love about this forum. You learn something new every day. Image

God made only a few perfect heads. He put hair on the rest to cover his mistakes.

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Mike Perlowin on 17 June 2002 at 08:33 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 17 Jun 2002 3:17 am
by Mike Perlowin
Seriously, I use soft soled mocassins. They provide all the flexability of playing barefoot, but also cushion the teeling of the pedals against your feet. I find them very confortable.

God made only a few perfect heads. He put hair on the rest to cover his mistakes.

Posted: 17 Jun 2002 4:36 am
by Tony Prior
I practice with moccasins and play with sneakers. I could never do the boot thing as nice as some of them are they are too hot for me..

Posted: 17 Jun 2002 8:14 am
by Jim West
"We've been here before, I think we should "cut to the chase" and just start talking about what underwear we prefer."

OK Chas, you started it. What type of underwear do you prefer? Image Image Image

Posted: 17 Jun 2002 9:22 am
by chas smith
Well Jim, the mink-lined thong is a perennial favorite.

Posted: 17 Jun 2002 3:49 pm
by Roger Edgington
"steel" toed of coarse. Actually I like cow boy boots best.

Posted: 17 Jun 2002 9:23 pm
by Jim West
"Well Jim, the mink-lined thong is a perennial favorite"

WHOA!!! Now there's a Kodak moment I can pass up! Image Image Image Image Image

I really need to get back to my practice now.

Chas, you've outdone yourself on that one! Image Image

Posted: 17 Jun 2002 10:45 pm
by chas smith
Thongs have a "fail safe" feature, in that you can't accidently put the rolled up sock in the back.

Posted: 18 Jun 2002 3:04 am
by Jussi Huhtakangas
Doggone!! Cowboy boots, rubber boots, sneakers, wing tips, socks, even barefoot, I've tried it all, but I didn't notice any difference in tone!!! I think you're all out there to just $crew my head Image Hmm, maybe with thongs...?

Posted: 18 Jun 2002 4:31 am
by Dennis Yager
Rusty Pence .. if you get to read this tell em what you were wearing on your feet when your steel playing talents were discovered....barfooted for years Image

Posted: 18 Jun 2002 4:38 pm
by Mark Krutke
I went up to the Ballet shop, yea, Ballet shop, and bought a pair of dance shoes. They are a very thin all around, but especially on the bottom, being some kind of a compressed felt, and also available in a leather bottom. I love them for steeling, because you can really get the feel of the pedals and not have to guess about reaching that E to F# pedal! Like Mike said, moccasins are nice, too. Minnetonka makes some up by me in Wisconsin. Image

Posted: 18 Jun 2002 7:57 pm
by Reggie Duncan
Looks like Hal Rugg wears those white, cheap, ladies tennis shoes. What tone!
I heard a rumor that Sizemore wears flip-flops with knee high crew socks. Hmm.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Reggie Duncan on 18 June 2002 at 08:59 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 19 Jun 2002 7:51 pm
by Hal Higgins
For 32 years + I've been playing in cowboy boots....and I've tried regular shoes and tennis shoes...but just can't seem to get the feel of the pedals like I can with the boots. As for this underwear thong (oops,thing) that's each ones preference (haha) Hal

Posted: 19 Jun 2002 8:24 pm
by Reggie Duncan
Hal plays fine with cowboy boots, that's for sure! He is also missing part of his pickin' thumb. No problem! True professional!

Posted: 20 Jun 2002 5:51 am
by Jay Ganz
I stuck a short video on the "pedal steel"
section <a href= ... >*here*</a>. My shoes seem to
be a big hit with some of the other guys
on the Forum. I'm not sure if I should
give away any secrets though!
<img src=>

Posted: 20 Jun 2002 6:57 am
by Tony Orth
Dress sneakers or walking shoes.

They have to pass the sole thumb test though.
I press on the bottom side of the sole with my thumb. If they press inward easily, they won't work for me. I like a hard rubber/synthetic sole. That way I can be more consistant in pressing the pedals.

I guess only real men can play barefooted.
Call me a sissy.


Posted: 20 Jun 2002 7:47 am
by Ray Jenkins
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR><SMALL>I guess only real men can play barefooted.
Call me a sissy.</SMALL><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Tony, I never have been called either one,but I do play barefooted.Honest.My legs are so long I can't get under my guitar with shoes on.I've tried othet guitars that I could fit under with shoes or boots,been playing barefooted for so long I can't play with anything on my feet other than socks.

Steeling is still legal in Arizona

Posted: 20 Jun 2002 9:00 am
by Tony Orth
My hat's off to you. I tried it and couldn't do it. My feet are way too sensitive. If someone tries to tickle the bottom of my feet, my leg jerks up so fast and high that I knee myself in the chin.

I hope you barefooted guys out there are using deoderant.

Tony<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Tony Orth on 20 June 2002 at 10:13 AM.]</p></FONT>