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What a nice welcome to the forum!

Posted: 29 Apr 2002 5:26 pm
by Tom Brumley
Thanks for the nice welcome to the forum. Eventually I hope to get around to responding to everyone and answering any questions. Thanks again.


Posted: 29 Apr 2002 5:43 pm
by Dave Van Allen
well... I got a question Tom...or a hundred Image

actually I was wondering about a Buckaroos tune from "A Night on the Town with" called "I'm comin' back home to Stay"...the intro and turnaround are very bouncy (I really dig the syncopation) the fills in the verses seem to alternate between a straight steel sound and a sort of dobro-like tonality...were you using a different bar, picking further up the neck, or was it another instrument doing those fills?

I realize this was 35 years ago and you may not remember the session...


Posted: 29 Apr 2002 7:54 pm
by Gene H. Brown
Hi Tom,
Its a real pleasure seeing your name in the forum. I have been a fan of yours for soooo many years.
You probably don't remember this but, back in 1966 or 67 you were with Buck Owens and playing Portland, Oregon. I was playing with The Gibson Trio at Taylors Viewpoint in Portland and when you guys were through with your show that night, you all came over to see us. After we were through for the night, we all, " You, myself, Willie Cantu, Doyle Holly, Donnie Rich and Bobby Gibson all went over to Vancouver, Washington to Bobby's Recording Studio and Jammed all night.
What I remember the most, and maybe you might also, was, no one could find a set of drums handy that night, so Willie went into the bathroom and hauled out a toilet brush and a stick of wood he found and then found a cardboard box to play them on. It was so funny, because we decided to tape everything we were doing and, I swear, on tape Willie sounded like he had a full set of drums, it came out really nice on tape.
Just thought you might remember this, I still get a kick out of it every time I think of you guys.
Welcome to the forum and its great to see you are doing so well in life.
Gene H. Brown

Gene H. Brown

Posted: 29 Apr 2002 8:34 pm
by Bob Carlson
It's an honer to have you as a member Tom. In 1964 you guys played a Rodeo dance here in Flafstaff and about every 5th song was a request for "Togather Again". Buck played all the lead and Don played the fiddle. It was a very pleasent night.


Posted: 30 Apr 2002 1:51 am
by Dag Wolf
Tom, nice to see you on the Forum. I`m looking forward to see you here in Norway in August.

Drop me an e-mail when you have time.

All the best,

Posted: 30 Apr 2002 4:36 am
by Joe Casey
What a great addition to the Forum,Welcome aboard Tom.


Posted: 30 Apr 2002 9:36 am
by Louie Hallford
Tom great to see you on the Forum.

Save me a front row seat. I am about ready to come back up and hear you guys play again. Hope Barry Bailes is still with you,he is a favorite of mine.

Posted: 30 Apr 2002 10:56 am
by Brett Day
Welcome to the forum, Tom. I'm Brett Day, a steel guitarist with cerebral palsy in my left hand. I decided to play steel guitar because I love country music and I wanted to play an instrument used in country music. My left hand is bent down a little because of my cerebral palsy, but I can handle the steel bar, even though my left hand doesn't work. I play an Emmons S-10 with 3 pedals and 1 knee lever. Brett Day, Emmons S-10

Posted: 30 Apr 2002 12:01 pm
by Chris DeBarge
Tom, you're all that and a nice suit too!

Posted: 4 May 2002 6:04 am
by Ken Mullett
Hi Tom,Thanks for all the great music over the years.I to became a big fan of yours because of all the Buck Owens recordings, especially Together Again.For all the Tom Brumley fans, you need to check out the CD, Aase and Wolf Play Buck Owens featuring Tom on steel.Lots and lots of steel on this album and the vocals are excellent. One of my favorites. Tom, hope to see you in St. Louis. Ken

Posted: 4 May 2002 10:55 am
by Mike Sweeney
Welcome aboard. I'll have to tell willie Cantu your on here now. And I'm going to ask him about that night in Vancouver tonight at work and listen to him laugh.

Posted: 12 May 2002 11:09 pm
by chas
When Tom was working with Desert Rose Band i was playing with a band in michigan and we opened for them for 2 shows one night at an outdoor was just DRB and us and i played steel & guitar.i had a bus that i converted to a motorhome at the time and i remember them joking that the steel player had his own bus and they had a laugh about that.anyways Tom came up to me after our first show and introduced himself and complimented me on my playing and just was very nice and encouraging......he played through 2 fender bassman reissue amps and we talked bout amps and picks and bars and probably a hundred other things that he didnt need to discuss for his benifit but he gave me that time when he coulda went and sat on their bus and enjoyed some quiet time...that motivated me to keep workin a it and i was always grateful for that experience. thank you Tom i got a lot of mileage out of your inspiration......chuck johnson

Posted: 14 May 2002 1:48 pm
by Gary Schuldt
Hi Tom,
I would like to say ,welcome to the Forum. I am a new member myself, and when i saw your name, i wanted you to be the first person i reply to on here. you are the person that really got me interested in the steel. I'm an old bass player, but very new steel player.I remember when you played with Buck,but got the chance to see you live, about 30 years ago when you were playing with the Stone Canyon Band with Rick Nelson, in Rochester, N.Y.I can't remember the song, but i do remember you did an instrumental, and the spotlight was just on your hands only. I'll never forget that night.Thank you for being such an inspiration, and welcome to the Forum.
Gary Schuldt, Lyons,N.Y.
Cougar S-10 Lloyd Green Model
Nashville 400

Posted: 15 May 2002 6:15 am
by Roger A Trahan
Tom, your the reason I'm playing steel today. When I first bought one the first songs I learned to play were all the steel solo's from buck's records. I knew them by heart in my head and was able to figure them out on the steel. Thanks for the insperation, welcome to the forum.