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Tom Olson


Spokane, WA
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2002 7:27 pm    
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Have any of you experienced steelers (or not so experienced steelers) ever thought of writing some instructional courses or books?

For other instruments, it seems like there are books and courses coming out of the ying-yang. For example, for six-string guitar, there are specialty books and courses for just about every different level, style, etc. that you can think of.

I admit that there is a bigger market for six-string guitar courses, and I know there is some pedal steel instructional material available, but it seems like there's not much PSG instructional material out there compared to other instruments (like guitar, fiddle, mandolin, bass, etc.)

Have any of you gents ever contacted one of the publishers to see if they might be interested in publishing another PSG book?

Let me tell you a relavant anecdote: There's this guy named Mickey Cochran who has recently written for Mel Bay a book entitled, "Mandolin Crosspicking Techniques" (or something similar).

Granted, I'm not a musical historian, but I've never heard of the guy except that he runs "Folk of the Wood" music store down in New Mexico. He's also not exactly what I would call a virtuoso musician either.

So, I figure if he can write a book, there are many of you guys who could write a damned good book -- any thoughts?
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Jim Cohen

Philadelphia, PA
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2002 7:56 pm    
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Hmmmm... Well, Tom, there are actually quite a lot of books, videos, and other instructional materials available for steel guitar. DeWitt Scott has written 2 or 3 books for Mel Bay, the Winnie Winston book is back in print, I believe, Jeff Newman has massive amounts of instructional material, and there's plenty as well from Herby Wallace, Doug Jernigan, Jim Loessberg, Herb Steiner and many others. If I were just starting to look for materials and couldn't make it to a steel show to meet the exhibitors directly, I'd probably ask for full catalogs from Jeff Newman, Scotty, and Tom Bradshaw.
Hope this helps a bit.

The "Master of Acceptable Tone"

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Tom Olson


Spokane, WA
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2002 8:43 pm    
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Hi Jim,

Thanks for the info. Actually, I'm aware of most of the books and courses you mention. I'm definitely not saying that there isn't a lot of quality material for the PSG available -- because as you've pointed out, there is.

So, basically, I was just curious to see if any of the forumites have ever thought about adding to what's out there now for the PSG
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Jim Cohen

Philadelphia, PA
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2002 8:46 pm    
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Oh. Never mind.
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Tom Olson


Spokane, WA
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2002 9:05 pm    
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By the way, Jim -- what about you? You're a pro player -- and you're articulate! Have you thought about writing a book? You might have more to contribute than you think (seriously).
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Jim Cohen

Philadelphia, PA
Post  Posted 25 Mar 2002 6:10 am    
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Every time I think of doing anything like that, I can't think of what to write that hasn't already been done. What do you feel is still needed by way of instruction material out there?
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Holmdel, NJ
Post  Posted 25 Mar 2002 8:10 am    
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What do you feel is still needed by way of instruction material out there?

For what it's worth of all the instructional material i've acquired over the years the one i've gotten the most use from was a C6
"pocket" (blues scale) from a Jeff Neuman beginners C6 tape. I lay that scale over a Jamie Ambersold rythmn track and just doodle around until I find something that works.
I'd love to see someone write a tab book
of similar "pockets/scales/legal positions"
with an accompanying CD in various styles.
In both C6 and E9.

[This message was edited by BobG on 25 March 2002 at 08:11 AM.]

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