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Nick Reed & Bobbe Seymour Picture

Posted: 25 Nov 2001 10:42 pm
by Nick Reed
I want to thank Rick Tyson for putting a picture of Bobbe & Me on the Forum Members Scrapbook Site. This picture was made during an NTSGA SuperJam a few months ago. Nick

Posted: 25 Nov 2001 11:41 pm
by Bobbe Seymour
Good Lord Nick! You want to thank him for that? We have never looked worse! My dog is growling at the computer right now!I look like I just came out the back of a concrete mixer! Anyone get the number of the truck that hit me? Death warmed over would be a complement, What does it cost to get a picture taken off this thing? Man,all I need now is for Pat Burns, Jody Carver,and Mike Weirach to see this,They would NEVER get off my back!
Bobbe (Skewushed up) Sleezmore

Can't write anymore,my dog just attac--------------------------

Posted: 26 Nov 2001 12:05 am
by Bobby Boggs

Posted: 26 Nov 2001 8:33 pm
by David Biagini
The Emmons guitars sure look good...

Posted: 26 Nov 2001 8:46 pm
by Bobbe Seymour
See Nick! David didn't say that WE looked good! Just the guitars!

Posted: 26 Nov 2001 9:29 pm
by Jody Carver
That is not a good picture of you...some people look good and are photogenic. If I thought you looked that bad,,,I would never look at you again I swear.

We all know that you look a heck of a lot better than that..who took that picture??
Bela Lugosi's photographer??,,,and the poor guy on the left must look better than that.He looks like "Igor". Both of you are not done justice in those pictures. You guys are better looking than that. Remove that photo please,,,,,it ruin's their image.

I have seen better pictures's in the Comic section of the sunday newpapers. Bet your'e gal Brandy will agree with me.

PS what were you "staring at" your paycheck?

Image Image Image If it were Smiley,??,,,well,,,,then pictures dont lie,,,,but you Bobbe??....Oh NO
a Thousand times No...I'd rather die than say yes.. Nick you are better looking than that....your guitar is very nice,,is Bobbe wearing white trousers? or are those "Lands End" long johns??? I had to edit,,,I just noticed Bobbe's britches..they really are a
"britch" <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 26 November 2001 at 10:07 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 26 Nov 2001 9:38 pm
by RichardMcKinney
Those are some bright britches you got on.
Where's the dimmer switch at?

Keep on Steelin
Carter 4/k 3/p

Posted: 26 Nov 2001 10:21 pm
by Bobbe Seymour
See Nick! I told you, Now Jody is having to defend me,(I think?). Richard, I hate to tell you guys this but I"M NOT WEARING ANY BRITCHES!!!
Bobbe Bare

Posted: 26 Nov 2001 11:40 pm
by BJ Bailey
Yeah I beleive all that's needed is for the county courner to take a look at that picture to make ya'll officially DEAD.

To nice looking steel's left behind,are they promised to anybody?

BJ Bailey

Posted: 27 Nov 2001 6:22 am
by Jody Carver
No britches? then you have nice legs,,,man you could make it on your looks and not even play a note. Do you shave your legs? I use "nair" on my legs.

But since you play so well,,and you are a cool guy, we can overlook a picture that does not do you justice. At least after a bad picture as shown here,,,people will not be disappointed when they see the real you.
Suave and Debonair,,,the Cary Grant type of the steel guitar.

As for myself,,I changed undertakers,,,I like the new one I have,,,,does my hair real nice and sprays it with that stuff that makes is stiff.Hey I can use a can of that,,to keep my string tension up to snuff.

When I went for my physical a couple of weeks ago,,the doctor said,,,undress,,,I did,
he said take off that blue underwear..I said
thats not underwear ,,thats me,,,Im cold.

Take a good picture and post it and show the world how great you really look.

Im sure Brandy will agree,,,,that guy on the right aint you...maybe your guitar, but not
the cool good looking Bobbe I remember.

You can send my check to my home address,,,
all major credit cards accepted...hurry operators are standing by.
Nick ,,you are better looking than that. You can send payment as outlined above as well.

Posted: 27 Nov 2001 8:38 pm
by Jody Carver
Hey you guys,,,

Is This an "English Speaking Group" or WHAT??

Image Image Image Image

Posted: 27 Nov 2001 10:28 pm
by Bobbe Seymour
Jody, Pleazzz don't ever change, I love you just the way you are!
Thank goodness, we all need happiness in our lives,sometimes you have to pay for it, It's free on the forum, thanks to you! (and several others).
Bobbe Bareasperations III

Posted: 27 Nov 2001 10:42 pm
by Paul Graupp
Jody: I recall standing there Bare and Cold for my military physical. The medic asked me to pee into one of those jars up on the shelve. I asked him: From Here ?? Image Image

Bobbe Bare...(asperations..) Didn't you have a song called "I Wanna Go Home ?? Image Image

Actually I know better than that. A bare asp is what Cleopatra put to her breast, Isn't it ?? Image Image Image

Regards, Paul

Posted: 28 Nov 2001 6:14 am
by Jody Carver
I remember having the Navy Doctor ask me the same thing,,,said ,,as you "quote" hey sailor
( I wasnt a sailor as yet) I was just full of water I guess,,,he said ,,,hey see that bottle over there,,,,,"Fill It" I said what from here????

Is this a test for the navy or the Fire Department.

Bobbe...I will never change,,,and you stay the same as well..You are the Cary Grant of the steel guitar world.

Gene Jones is the Clint Eastwood type,,We have many stars on this Forum and many of them are not aware of it.

Take care and dont shave your legs,,I like you just the way you are. You too Paul....

Gotta run back to the Doc,,,cant shake this pnuemonia,,,Im wondering if this guy is really a doctor and not a "knock off"???

How can you tell if the guy is a real doctor?
By his diplomas on the wall in his office???
I dont know,,,maybe Smiley could have prescribed something...Dr.Roberts,MD.

Take care & "I'll Be Seeing You In All The Old Familiar Places,,Where This Heart Of Mine Embraces All Day Through.....
Have to run ,,,here comes the Marshall again

Grrrr Grrrrr Grrrr.....getting tougher all the time,,he may delete this,,,and ruin my routine. ) so there.....edited for additionl Grrrrr Grrrr Grrrrrrr's Image Image Image come and get me "law man"

Better be a good shot,,,I move FAST <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 28 November 2001 at 06:17 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 28 Nov 2001 8:41 am
by Jay Ganz
I think everybody looks good sittin'
behind a steel!!!

<img src=>

Posted: 29 Nov 2001 11:59 am
by Bobbe Seymour
Jay, Now we are talkin'! This is a MUCH better of me! Did I send you the color copy too?
Bobbe "Larryfine" Seymour

Posted: 29 Nov 2001 12:19 pm
by Ray Montee
Just caught a look at the posted photo of Mr. Seymour and that other very nice gentleman. That is a BEAUTIFUL "GREEN" Emmons guitar!! I originally wanted a BLUE one like that and the one I was shipped is a cross between blue/black and deep underwater green. Kinda Gross! So yours, is truly a beautiful handcrafted musical instrument. Now that the entire Forum has seen it, everyone will most likely want to get rid of their RED guitar for one just like yours!
Now, there's another guy in the photo.
What'z it he's sitting behind......awfully blurry! Is that a "nation-wide" or something or other?? And the Panamanian style leisure suit, that is unique. Where's the PITH Hat that's supposed to go with it?
Thank goodness for the second photo posted of the fellow playing the single necker.... Now that's reality! Some pickers were just born with good looks; the rest of us have to struggle just to get by.
A great post! Okay Jody, did you ever get tape #2? or WHAT? You're welcome, of course.