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Author Topic:  Jon Rauhaus/Sleepwalker and Thanksgiving
Buck Dilly


Branchville, NJ, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 6 Oct 2001 1:12 pm    
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I went to see Jon Rauhaus, (of Phoenix, AZ) play with NIco Case last night in Hoboken NJ. Jon has an S-10 MSA and a weisenborn spin off. He is a talented and unusual player. If any of you steeler out there like unusual playing and music Try Jon's own project: His band is Sleepwalker, the first album is called "the Man in the Moon" and is nearly indescribeable. It is on Hayden's Ferry records and is available on the net. The band is 3 piece, Jon on Steel, with a killer rhythm section, bass player sings. It is sonically surprising, mostly originals, with a very outside cover of SHanandoah. They are about to release the new album: "Thanksgiving". If you appreciate atypical steel, you will like this. BUT, this is not a steel guitar album, it is a great sounding album of great tunes, that just happens to utilize pedal steel. Buck
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