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Robert Randolph on Conan Tonight

Posted: 7 Aug 2001 8:28 am
by Todd Pertll
According to the Web site.

Posted: 7 Aug 2001 8:39 am
by Rick Garrett
Thanks for the reminder Todd! Gotta go set my vcr to record.


Posted: 7 Aug 2001 9:50 pm
by Bob Putnam
I just watched him play his Fessenden. Though it wasn't country (and I didn't expect it to be) he really went to town.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Bob Putnam on 07 August 2001 at 10:52 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 7 Aug 2001 10:12 pm
by Bob Hoffnar
Hey Robert, That was fantastic !

You are doing great and deserve every bit of it. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us down the road.


I know Robert and a bunch of you Sacred Steel guys read the forum. Go ahead and get a password and pump some life into this forum.

Posted: 8 Aug 2001 12:18 am
by Martin Abend
Hey Robert,

just listened to the songs on the "Word"-site and I just love it. It seems that the CD is not released in Europe, right?

It would be great if you'd share your insights with us.

martin abend Pedal-Steel in Germany
s-10 sierra crown gearless 3 x4 - Regal RD45 - fender hotrod deluxe

Posted: 8 Aug 2001 4:06 am
by Craig Stock
I will be at Irving Plaza to see Robert tonight. I missed the Conan show last night. Here in NJ we had 100 degrees and high humidity, since I work outside, I was toatlly exhausted, and fell asleep, Today is supposed to be the same, but I know Robert will keep my attention.

Regards, Craig

Posted: 8 Aug 2001 4:48 am
by Tony Palmer
I saw him on Conan last night(loved it) and I couldn't get over how everything we complain about on this forum regarding:
Is there a future for pedal steel?
Where are the young players?
Can the steel be played in other kinds of music?
was all being answered right there on
national TV!!
A band FEATURING the pedal steel, front and center........who would've thought it???!!

Posted: 8 Aug 2001 6:45 am
by Jim Smith
Three cheers for Robert AND for NBC for having the guts to put a band with a steel guitar up front on national TV! Image

If any non-player ever wondered what a pedal steel guitar is, how it sounds, and how it is played, Robert certainly answered those questions last night.

This was also a great plug for Jerry Fessenden and the tireless work he does to get quality pedal steels to musicians at a great price, even if Robert's 13 string Fessy is purple! Image

Jim Smith
-=Dekley D-12 10&12=-
-=Fessenden Ext. E9/U-13 8&8=-

Posted: 8 Aug 2001 6:49 am
by Todd Pertll
I had to role tape on the show last night and will have to wait until I get home from work to watch it. I am new to steel and only heard of this album and Robert earlier this week from a friend of mine who likes Medeski, Martin, & Wood. Does anyone have recomendations for other Sacred Steel albums?

Posted: 8 Aug 2001 8:59 am
by Jeff Lampert
<SMALL>If any non-player ever wondered what a pedal steel guitar is, how it sounds, and how it is played, Robert certainly answered those questions last night.</SMALL>
With all due respect to the quality of Fessenden guitars, what was played last night sounded NOTHING like a pedal steel guitar. RR played on the National Public Radio just the previous day and played some terrific blues with crisp, brilliant sound that DID sound like a pedal steel. What we heard on Conan was not close.

Posted: 8 Aug 2001 11:07 am
by Fish

I respect your comments about Robert's tone.
However, the point is "that was then and this is now." Our pre-conceived notion of "how" a steel guitar should sound is based on our personal preferences, of course, but times have obviously changed and the instrument's sound has expanded. There are many beautiful sounds made by this instrument, and Robert's tone was working for HIM last night!!

And he just killed me. I was very proud to be a steel guitarist after what I heard and saw last night. And what I saw was an exciting musician tearing it up on a pedal steel guitar on a network TV show. Way cool!
Thanks, Robert.

Posted: 8 Aug 2001 11:21 am
by Jeff Lampert
Hi Fish,
If you can, try to get a recording of the National Public Radio interview (on a good recording media. Don't use RealPlayer, or anything like that). He did blues and rock, and used effects, but the sound was just way, way, way better. The Conan show delivered sound that not only was unlike a pedal steel, but not quality sound for ANY kind of instrument. If you did hear the interview, and still feel the way you do, then we have a difference of opinion on the sound quality of the performance.

Posted: 8 Aug 2001 11:42 am
by Craig Stock
Here's the link to the NPR interview:

Regards, Craig