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Author Topic:  mea culpa, do I need to apologize?
chas smith R.I.P.

Encino, CA, USA
Post  Posted 6 Jul 2001 11:52 pm    
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In regards to the excerpts I posted from the article in the LA Times, if your sensibilities were offended, then I apologize to you, it was not meant to be offensive. The LA Times is a family paper that serves Los Angeles and Orange County, a conservative Republican stronghold, and this ran on the front page.

What I thought was interesting and pertinant was the complaints that I've heard voiced here and in other areas of the entertainment industry, the small cliques that get the majority of the work, how hard it is to 'break in', because it's more corporate now, there are smaller budgets and thus the workers have to do more and are paid less, the young "pretty boys" are making it harder for the older guys to get work, are being echoed from an entirely different segment of the entertainment business. So like it's not just here, it's everywhere.

I also thought the quote "People are encouraged to view themselves as commodities that are marketed and fine tuned.." is pertinant. One only has to look at the current crop of 'stars', country music or film to see that in action.

Moreover, I thought that it was an interesting glimpse into part of an industry that typically is not open to the public, it's certainly not one that I know a lot about and regardless of our views, it's not only not going away, it's a growth industry.

Again, if you were offended, I apologize for offending you.
Chas Smith
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Rick Garrett


Tyler, Texas
Post  Posted 7 Jul 2001 1:53 am    
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I thought it was an intersting post. To H@ll with being "Politicially Correct" all the time.

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Rick Collins


Claremont , CA USA
Post  Posted 7 Jul 2001 7:30 am    
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No apology needed here, Chas.

It is rather odd how a small group in a given field will attract all of the attention and the wealth; often it is not talent or beauty. I believe it is more often the complexity of personality and how timely the artist's product is,___how it fits in with what is in vogue. For sure, today the marketers of entertainment take careful aim at a narrow public sector, that they think will most likely attract the money, and if it works they keep doing it.

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C Dixon


Duluth, GA USA
Post  Posted 7 Jul 2001 8:51 am    
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"To H@ll with being "Politicially Correct" all the time."

To H@ll with being "Politically Correct" at ALL!!

God help us!

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billy tam R.I.P.


baton rouge, louisiana
Post  Posted 7 Jul 2001 9:45 am    
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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 7 Jul 2001 9:57 am    
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It was not closed because it was offensive, Chas. It was not closed because it was "politically incorrect". It was closed because the use of Viagra in the adult film industry has nothing to do with the stated theme of this forum: "Steel players and their music".

This thread also has nothing to do with that theme. I'm moving it to the Feedback and Testing forum, where the stated theme includes "Messages about the Forum itself".

I don't move messages for the hell of it. I move them so that people will get better results when they use the (somewhat lame) search facility that's built into this software. Few people would search for posts about "politically correct" (or "Viagra") in a forum about "Steel players and their music". Off-topic posts slow down the search engine, which uses considerably more system resources than the posts themselves.


-System Administrator
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