Wiz Feinberg
From: Mid-Michigan, USA
Posted 10 Oct 2006 11:50 am
Microsoft will end support for Windows XP Service Pack 1 and SP 1a on October 10, 2006, leaving users no option but to upgrade to SP2 if they wish to continue to receive support for crucial components, including security software. The move to drop support for SP1 is in line with Microsoft's stated strategy for support. According to its guidelines, Microsoft guarantees to provide 'mainstream support' for a full product for five years, but will only guarantee to support a Service Pack for 12 months after the launch of the next version of that pack.
If you aren't sure which XP Service Pack you have, you can check by right-clicking on the My Computer desktop, or Start Menu icon and then selecting Properties. The Service Pack level will be displayed on the opening General tab.
You can download Service Pack 2 (SP2) via Windows Updates. However, if you cannot download huge files, or if Windows Updates no longer work on your SP1 or SP1a version of XP, you can order the Windows XP SP2 upgrade on a CD, from Microsoft.
Bob "Wiz" Feinberg
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