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Author Topic:  ZoneLabs ZoneAlarm to Discontinue Win 9x Support
Wiz Feinberg

Mid-Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 24 Jun 2006 6:43 am    
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Windows 98/98SE/Me Support Discontinued

Zone Labs, L.L.C. supports a balanced, multi-layered approach to security.
An important part of this approach includes keeping software updated with
the latest security patches.

Support Discontinued
On July 11, 2006, Microsoft will end support for Windows 98, 98SE and Me,
which will have the resulting effect of making these operating systems less
secure ( Windows
98/Me are older operating systems, and are therefore inherently more
vulnerable to attacks than newer operating systems. Now that Microsoft will
no longer provide security updates to these operating systems any PC running
them will become increasingly prone to security vulnerabilities.

Accordingly, Zone Labs will cease to support Windows 98/98SE/Me with the
introduction of our version 6.5 ZoneAlarm family of products
ZoneAlarm® Internet Security Suite, ZoneAlarm® Pro, ZoneAlarm® Antivirus,
ZoneAlarm® Anti-Spyware, and ZoneAlarm®.

Note about pre-6.5 products:

a.. Pre-6.5 products will continue to run on the Windows 98/98SE/Me
operating system. However, there are a few new and advanced protection
features in ZoneAlarm products that will not run due to technical
limitations of this operating system. Zone Labs strongly recommends
upgrading to a supported and current version of the Windows operating
b.. Zone Labs may end services to pre-6.5 products at any time.
There are no plans to discontinue support for any other Microsoft operating
systems. This announcement applies to consumer products only and does not
affect enterprise products.

Bob "Wiz" Feinberg
Moderator of the SGF Computers Forum
Visit my Wiztunes Steel Guitar website at:
or my computer troubleshooting website: Wizcrafts Computer Services,
or my Webmaster Services webpage.
Learn about current computer virus and security threats here.
Read Wiz's Blog for security news and update notices

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Wiz Feinberg

Mid-Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 11 Jul 2006 6:32 am    
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