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Author Topic:  AIM Trojan and Rootkit In-The-Wild Warning
Wiz Feinberg

Mid-Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 29 Oct 2005 2:00 pm    
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Attention all users of AOL Instant Messenger!

Subject: Rootkit Takes Aim at AOL

«Security researchers have identified a rootkit being spread through
AOL's popular instant messaging client and AOL chat rooms.

Bundled within the previously identified W32/Sdbot-ADD worm, the
lockx.exe rootkit file is installed when users click on the file link
within the IM window. Though neither the worm nor the rootkit file are
new, it appears to be the worm's first foray into the AIM (AOL's
Instant Messenger) network. What's more troubling is that rootkits
haven't previously been spread via IM.

"This is the first instance of a rootkit coming through the IM
vector," said Tyler Wells, senior director of engineering for FaceTime

"The important thing to watch here is that it's no longer single
installs or links to Web sites, but adware, spyware and now rootkits
(through IM)."

FaceTime discovered the additional rootkit using IM honeypots
monitoring IM networks, Web sites and chat rooms for malicious content
and URLs.

Ero Carrera, a researcher with F-Secure in San Jose, Calif., agreed
that it's likely the first instance of rootkits happened through IM.

Foster City, Calif.-based FaceTime said in a statement Friday the
rootkit could give an attacker access to and remote control of the PC
and may be used to steal information or promulgate more viruses.

Attackers can automatically pass the worm along to users on the Buddy
List. Additionally, the rootkit can shut down anti-virus software,
alter the users' search page, run CPU usage to 100 percent and
automatically download unwanted programs such as 180Solutions, Zango,
MaxSearch and others.

Always treat links in IMs with caution. Ask the sender if they meant to send the link(s) to you. If they say no, tell them to scan their computer for viruses and spyware, using good tools with current difinitions. You can also protect your computers by keeping up to date with Windows or Mac updates and critical patches. Windows updates are usually released once a month, on the second Tuesday of the month. Apple releases critical patches as needed.

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