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Roxio Movie Studio?

Posted: 8 Feb 2004 1:53 pm
by George McLellan
I just bought a new Dell and got the Roxio Movie Studio with it so I can transfer my old home movies from VHS to DVD. The problem is I can't get it to work and I can't get a hold of Roxio for support. The thirty day help is almost over. It always asks for my TSID number and I don't have one.

Can anybody help, or am I just out the $100.00 it cost for this program??????

Thank you.


Posted: 9 Feb 2004 7:31 am
by Peter Timaratz
A good place for this type of question is

Posted: 9 Feb 2004 8:16 am
by George McLellan
Thank you.


Posted: 10 Feb 2004 11:48 am
by George McLellan
Thank you to all of you that e-mailed me advise. The program went out today back to Dell. Their "easy help program Image Image Image " convinced me to NEVER again buy anything for a computor that I can't do bussiness face to face, or can really help.


<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by George Mc Lellan on 10 February 2004 at 11:48 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 11 Feb 2004 9:35 pm
by Al Marcus
I agree with you George. I buy all my computer stuff at BEst Buy or Circuit City. This way I can go back there , face to face. none of this press 1 or press 2. stuff. Image Image

My Website.....

Posted: 12 Feb 2004 3:27 am
by George McLellan
Al, the press 1 and 2 was bad enough, but when I finally did get a live voice I couldn't understand most of it. One connection was for over an hour and tranfered back and forth between Dallas and somewhere in India. I could at least understand the Dallas people, but India was a nightmare.

Best Buy is close and the first thing I will tell them is "No, I do not want an extended warranty" Image
