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Sending MP3 Files?

Posted: 9 Jan 2004 3:06 am
by Roger Shackelton
Today I sent a friend an MP3 file, it was 3.86 MBs. It took 20---25 minutes to send this file. I have a dial up Internet connection.
Is there a quicker way to send this type of file?


Posted: 9 Jan 2004 3:29 am
by Tony Prior
Roger, when you convert files to MP3 files, make them much smaller. You can convert a few and then look at the size. I would recommend for EMIAL not sending anaything more than maybe 300 to 500K.

I often use 32kb to 56 kb as the MP3 conversion type specifically for EMAILS and Internet downloading.

Programs such as MusicMAtch let you choose the MP3 conversion rate.

Yes the sound quality is decreased the lower you go abut you can listen and choose the best overall low KB conversion.

Even for broadband, files sizes of 3 and 4 meg may be a drag..but for dialup they are
as you have seen , in some cases not even possible. Also keep in mind some folks may have there mailbox message size limits set lower than the 3 or 4 M file size that you are sending as well.
good luck

Posted: 9 Jan 2004 8:55 am
by Ernie Renn
Putting the MP3 file into a zip file might make the size somwehat smaller.

(Can't type for crap with this new keyboard...)

My best,
<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Ernie Renn on 09 January 2004 at 08:56 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 9 Jan 2004 12:07 pm
by Wayne Carver
Winzip works good for this. Use The wizard and it walks you through the precedure.

Posted: 9 Jan 2004 2:17 pm
by Peter Timaratz
I don't think you'll see much of a reduction in size by zipping. In your situation the only option is a lower bitrate as mentioned earlier.

Posted: 9 Jan 2004 7:53 pm
by Steinar Gregertsen
'Standard' mp3 bitrate today is 128kbps, but you can of course go lower if you don't mind the loss of fidelity.

One trick however, if you have the option, is to make it a mono file and convert it at 64kbps. This will give the same sound quality as 128, but at half the size.


PS - Peter is right, zipping does not reduce the size of audiofiles much.


<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Steinar Gregertsen on 09 January 2004 at 07:55 PM.]</p></FONT>