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Author Topic:  Difference between Nero Express & Burning Rom?
Wayne Carver


Martinez, Georgia, USA
Post  Posted 25 Dec 2003 6:20 pm    
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I just installed a burner that came with Nero software. I was wondering what is the difference between the Express and Burning Rom software? Anyone use either of these?
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 26 Dec 2003 3:09 am    
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Generally all of the "Express" or "Lite" software packages are scaled down versions of the Retail packages. Many of the advanced features are "Greyed out" . It is entirely possible that you may never require any of those advanced features and if thats the case then you most likley will not notice any difference using the scaled down version.

I have used Nero, Nero Express and a few others but now use a totally different package that came with my new Sony Burner called GOLD's as good if not better than any of the others. I guess it all comes back to..Is it easy to use ...

I also have the retail version of MusicMatch which allows for version upgrades as well. If I should require anything complex I suppose I could dig into that program and find what I need..but so far ..NADA...

I would recommend that if you decide to purchase a retail package I would choose the latest version of MusicMatch as it can offer many across the board features for a majority of audio applications.

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