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Charles French


Post  Posted 25 Sep 2003 10:35 am    
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This is probably the wrong place to ask this. My server is bellsouth and they offer a personal web page. So I fooled around with it some but I can't see any option of audio or video. Anyone familiar with bellsouth or are these options something you have to pay to have. I just wanted to show some music video files on my computer and song files. If this can't be done with bellsouth, where can I do this at little or no cost?

tks, cf
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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2003 12:28 pm    
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Upload your MP3 file to your web space. Then put a link to the file's URL on one of your web pages.
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Al Marcus

Cedar Springs,MI USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2003 1:36 pm    
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Bobby-Just what do I have to do to upload a mp3 file to my webspace.? How do you simply do it ?

My Website.....

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Charles French


Post  Posted 25 Sep 2003 4:32 pm    
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Bobby, tks for the reply. What I need is space. I don't know diddly bout this. I want to be able to show video's and music and pics. Is this something I'm gonna have to pay for to be able to do. Any help will be appreciated.

tks, cf
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Ernie Renn

Brainerd, Minnesota USA
Post  Posted 26 Sep 2003 7:35 am    
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Charles & Al;
First you'll need to get an FTP program like This One From CNET.

Then you'll need to get the internet address of the destination directory. Your provider should be able to supply this for you. If you load the files to a named folder, (as in "images" or "_borders", you have to include the entire path when linking to them from a webpage.

Some people don't like FTP, but for pictures or audio files I do.
Good luck!

My best,
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George Wixon


Waterbury, CT USA
Post  Posted 26 Sep 2003 8:16 am    
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Something you should know about provider web space is that it's not as big as you think.
AOL provides 2 meg of free web space per screen name and that is not a lot if your planning on putting up sound files. The average mp3 while small as compared to the wav file will still be up there in size. I use netfirms and it is fairly inexpensive for my site.
I needed to go this route for the stuff that I wanted to put up there.
If you plan on using the free service from your provider I would check out how much space they will give you.
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Charles French


Post  Posted 26 Sep 2003 8:09 pm    
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I'm wanting to be able to show some 1-2 minute streaming video and audio. I'm totally in the dark here. Ok, I need to design a web page, maybe something like Micosoft Front Page? Then I need a web host? I've looked at Ready Host 500mb space unlimited d/l $99 yr. I'm confused on the HTML. Do I have to write this or is there a way to link to my video and audio files other than writing HTML? My head is hurting, I think I need professional help!

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George Wixon


Waterbury, CT USA
Post  Posted 27 Sep 2003 2:24 am    
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Front Page allows you to design a web and see it while you design it. It also puts the necessary code in it for you. Most hosting sites will also have help on creating a web and will also have free software to aid in the task. AOL had a program for the personal web page that was called something like "Easy Page" or something like that but it was mostly for puting up text and putting up still images. You still had to know how to get the sound files up there. I did my site using nothing more than Word Pad but than again, I can write HTML code. You still need an FTP program to get the stuff up there or you could use Micrsoft's Web Publishing Wizard which is part of your windows package.
Since you know very little about getting a web site going and because of what you want to put on the site, I would highly suggest using a software program like "Front Page," but this software is expensive.
If you do want to try it yourself there are plenty of books available at your local Barns & Noble or the Library on designing and writing/understanding HTML.
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Chuck Halcomb

Lubbock, Texas
Post  Posted 27 Sep 2003 3:09 am    
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Before you buy anything check with your ISP to see what they support. They may or may not support FrontPage extensions. If they do, publishing a turn key web site it is snap. If they don't, they may provide some other free software tools to make it easy for you.

If your only choice is to use FTP, an old internet program for transfering files, it will be more difficult, but with the newer FTP programs you can do it.

I would recommend that you (1) talk with your isp and tell them what you have in mind. They may be able to help or will let you know if you don't have enough space to upload mp3 files. (2) I would get a good book describing how to create web pages with audio and video files. Its like steel guitar, you need some basic conceptual understding of how it works before you get started.

Good luck!

Remington Steel T-8 Steelmaster
Gibson Console Grande
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Ken Williams

Post  Posted 27 Sep 2003 11:37 am    
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Charles, I did one of those 'click and build' sites furnished by Earthlink, my service provider. I've had the page for about a year and thought that I had looked everywhere on there for a way post mp3 files. Then, about 2 weeks ago, I was going to change a picture on the site and stumbled on a way to place mp3 files on the site. I don't know if Earthlink changed the options on the page or if I had overlooked it all this time.

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