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Author Topic:  error screen
Larry Robbins

Fort Edward, New York
Post  Posted 6 Sep 2003 3:56 am    
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Every once in a while when I first turn on my computer,I get a very ominous looking
blue screen that says"your computer is recovering from a very serrious error.If
this is the first time you have seen this screen,restart your computer.If not contact Microsoft,ect...I restart and everything seems fine.Any thoughts?

Sho-Bud ProII
"there's been an awful murder, down on music row!"

[This message was edited by Larry Robbins on 06 September 2003 at 04:58 AM.]

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Joey Ace

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 6 Sep 2003 5:31 am    
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Could it be someone is improperly shutting off your computer?

By that I mean just turning off the power, and not going thru the software procedure.
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Rich Paton


Santa Maria, CA.,
Post  Posted 8 Sep 2003 2:32 am    
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I am new to XP and have noticed that selecting either "shutdown" or "restart" seem to end up as a crapshoot. I am using a mainboard with the use of either AT or ATX power supply types being jumper selectable. My power supply is the old AT type, and this may well be an issue in the roll of the dice.
Sometimes "restart" restarts the machine, but just as often hovers in netherland, neither shut down nor active (windoze loaded & usable).
So just maybe your machine seems to shut down but is really "dancing the limbo".
I have adopted a standard procedure to ensure true shutdown...I click on restart then turn the power off after the one-beep postcode when the system files on the bootable drive are first accessed (mainboard hardware/firmware bootstrap routine handing over control to the O/S).
BTW, in XP Pro there is another, no doubt superior option for shutdown. Use CTRL-ALT-Del to bring up the rather impressive new Task Manager window (being an old Mainframe geezer from IBM 7040/Univac 1240MTC vintage to CDC Cyber-7 types, always with megabuck military / aerospace programs, I am no aficionado of WhineDoze gooeys / pseudo O/Ses), although DOS was pretty cool... but I must admidt the XP PRO TaskMan is rather spot-on functionally.
Back to the shutdown option, you can bring up TaskMan and click shutdown, which seems to be consistent and reliable.
Petaflops Rule!
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