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Author Topic:  Big Ol' Harddrive
Carter York


Austin, TX [Windsor Park]
Post  Posted 12 Nov 2002 8:47 am    
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Hey Y'all,

I'm looking for a USB external harddrive, and the largest capacity I have found is a 120 GB drive. Does anyone know of a larger capacity *external* drive? Thanks for the info.

Carter York
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 12 Nov 2002 5:47 pm    
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Since you're planning on using an external drive, why does it have to be so big? It's not that big a deal to simply unplug one 60-gig drive, and plug in it? It's still 120 gigs.

By the way, larger drives do have downsides. They take longer to defrag or re-format, they're more expensive, and larger drives sometimes have larger sectors...meaning you wind up with more space you can't really use.
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