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Posted: 11 Sep 2002 12:36 pm
by Jimmy Dale
I have received two bills in the mail from an outfit in Texas called River Rock Directbill, who apparentlly does billing for some porn site. They claim that I accepted terms and conditions before my pc dialed a 900 number to get into their site. I DO NOT DO PORN. I have written them back and told them that if I had clicked on something like that, it would be due to trickery on their part. Has this type thing happened to any one else? What course of action can I take?
Do I need to get a lawyer? Jim Miller I'D RATHER BE STEELIN'

Posted: 11 Sep 2002 3:49 pm
by Mark Ardito

I would call the B.B.B (Better Business Bureau) or go to their website and report this company here is their website B.B.B.

Good luck and keep us posted. I have heard about apps that get downloaded to your PC from websites that change your ISP dial number, so then they reroute it to a 900 number. This sounds similar to one of those scams.


Sho~Bud Pro I, Fender D-8 (C6&E13)

Posted: 11 Sep 2002 6:51 pm
by Gary Pederson
I had something similiar happen. I got a credit card bill from 2 different porn websites in Australia that I'd never heard of. I suspect both websites were ran by the same people. I can't imagine how they got my credit card number. Anyway, I called my credit card issuer & they cancelled the charges. I also cancelled that credit card & got a new one.

Posted: 11 Sep 2002 8:08 pm
by Jimmy Dale
Thanks guys. I will keep you posted, and I will get right on it Mark. Jim Miller I'D RATHER BE STEELIN'

Posted: 18 Oct 2002 12:04 pm
by Jimmy Dale
Mark, Gary, this an update: I wrote to this outfit, and told them No. 1, If I had clicked on something like that, it would have been through trickery. No.2, that I had sent my lawyer a copy of the bill. No 3, that I had written the Better Business Bureau and that they had requested a copy of the bill also. I sent this by registered mail and to date have heard nothing else from them. Jim Miller I'D RATHER BE STEELIN'

Posted: 19 Oct 2002 9:28 am
by Chip Fossa
Unless the 'bill' is auto-deducted from a credit card, do what I do with pesky bills -
heave um.

Posted: 19 Oct 2002 1:18 pm
by erik
Since being on the net I have had one porn charge placed on my card... and it was only $15.00. I reported it to the card company. It took about 2 months to clear. I had to sign a form. I did my own investigating and found the web server and name and address of the perp. He operates through voice mail so who knows where he really is.