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JB Arnold

Longmont,Co,USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 7 Jul 2002 12:47 pm    
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Quesiton-can you trace an IP number? recently, someone used my credit card number to sign up for a bunch of porn sites. I'm pretty sure I know generally where that happened from-not at home, but somewhere else where that card gets used-but I can't go in there without SOME kind of proof. I have the IP of the computer that signed up-it goes back to AOL-but I can't get back any further.

Any ideas? It's not the end of the world, and cost me nothing, but still-if this came from where I think it did, I've got to tell someone. I could possibly be able to access the computer there.


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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 7 Jul 2002 5:25 pm    
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IP numbers are assigned by AOL when a user logs on, and then reused when they log off. Law enforcement can get into AOL's logs and find out who was assigned that IP at that point in time. It might take a court order, though.

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Post  Posted 7 Jul 2002 5:38 pm    
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The credit card company has their own internet fraud investigation unit. Just deny the charges and let them handle it. They'll probably close your card and issue you a new too. Why waste your time?
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Mark Ardito

Chicago, IL, USA
Post  Posted 8 Jul 2002 6:39 am    
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Yes you can get the IP address, but as far as you can go is to get the ISP. You have found that already and that is AOL. Next step would be to contact the AOL legal department.

It was on your Credit Card, so just despute the charges and let them deal with it. I know you might like to find out who, but it will be a huge headache.

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