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Bill Myrick


Pea Ridge, Ar. (deceased)
Post  Posted 19 May 2002 8:57 am    
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Re--My earlier post "Printer reacts to every start up "
Thanks for responding and I took your advise and ran the 45 minute check. The printer comes on in a normal readiness fashion so we think that windows may be sending the wrong activation signal ?
Any advise as to where I could check for this or do I do need to get my "guru" in for that ??? Thanks again-- Bill Myrick
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Everett Cox


Marengo, OH, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 19 May 2002 12:33 pm    
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Bill-- Yes, an on-site 'guru' may be required but don't jump the gun and spend a lot of money, just yet.

In your earlier post, you said the problem occured even when the printer was powered off prior to shutting down the computer and not powered on, again, 'till after Windows was started. That SHOULD have eliminated the redundant printer init signal sent by the system during bootup. That is, the power down/up sequence should have produced the same result as when you followed my advice (which you say worked). Strange.

I'll try to determine the EXACT printer init commands and sequence for the 920. HP's support, these days, does not seem as helpfull as in previous years. Sorry I can't give a better answer at this time. --Everett
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Everett Cox


Marengo, OH, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 19 May 2002 5:47 pm    
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Well Bill, I downloaded the printer manual but they don't include ANY of the Printer Control Language. That's the stuff that tells the printer WHAT it's supposed to do with the data you send it. HP wants you to buy another manual for the PCL command set.

Which light(s) are blinking??? I should have asked that first. --Everett
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Bill Myrick


Pea Ridge, Ar. (deceased)
Post  Posted 24 May 2002 5:00 pm    
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Everett---Sorry for the slow comeback--I've been gone on a bldg delivery. It will go through the start up process then load a paper to print then will set there with the center red button blinking (the one to push to run the paper on through) after it's once on and going , I can shut it off and back on, no problem and I can restart the computer, no problem. It just does it on intitial log on and no matter if it's turned on before the computer or afterwards.
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Everett Cox


Marengo, OH, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 25 May 2002 1:58 am    
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Bill-- According the documentation, that is the 'paper' light. When blinking, it indicates (1)out of paper, (2)paper jam, (3)waiting to print 2nd side of 2-sided page.

It would seem the first 2 are not the problem. So, get to the 'properties' page for the printer. On that page, click the 'features' tab. Then look to see if the '2-sided printing' feature is 'checked'.

If so, uncheck that feature and see if that takes care of your problem. --Everett
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Bill Myrick


Pea Ridge, Ar. (deceased)
Post  Posted 25 May 2002 6:38 pm    
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Negitory, Everett-- It was not checked. Here's a new "wrinkle" I discovered-- If I leave the printer turned on, it doesn't go through all that start up mess when I log on. Is there a particular harm in leaving it on all the time I wonder ?
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Earnest Bovine

Los Angeles CA USA
Post  Posted 25 May 2002 8:56 pm    
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Is there a particular harm in leaving it on all the time I wonder ?
By leaving it on all the time you selfishly cause the unnecssary burning of fossil fuels, which enriches Saddam Hussein, accelerates global warming, and thus hastens the end of all life on earth. And you ask if there's "any particular harm" ?!?! I suppose you think that's what planet Earth deserves for allowing those hippies to play rock music on the Grand Ole Opry.
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Bill Myrick


Pea Ridge, Ar. (deceased)
Post  Posted 27 May 2002 3:37 am    
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WOW !!!!! How could I have been so short sighted ?? It just goes to show how we can become caught up in the evils of the world !!
God knows I'm sorry - or something -
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Ernie Renn

Brainerd, Minnesota USA
Post  Posted 27 May 2002 4:56 am    
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If it works better for you to leave it on, go for it. You're paying the electric bill. I don't think leaving it on will cause any more hippies to play rock on the Opry, (than the recent norm.) But then again, turning it off won't make any less play either...

My best,

The Official Buddy Emmons Website

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