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How do you send mp3's via e-mail?

Posted: 20 Nov 2001 5:45 pm
by Steve Alonzo Walker
I can't seem to send any mp3's thru the e-mail. Will someone please explain the correct way to do this? Thanks!

Posted: 20 Nov 2001 7:30 pm
by Larry Beck
you can send any file, be it mp3's, jpegs, docs or whatever as attachments. How you send an attachment depends on your email client. Outlook has a paper clip icon, eudora, and netscape, hotmail etc. have their own variations.
When in doubt, click on help and search for attachment or as a last resort, RTFM.

Posted: 21 Nov 2001 4:17 am
by Jack Stoner
The size of the file may be what is stopping you. Some e-mail systems have a max file size. If it exceeds that size it won't take it or your system could take it but the receivers e-mail system may reject it because of the file size.

Posted: 21 Nov 2001 7:02 am
by Bill Crook
If you are useing IE5.0 or better, You can tell it to break a large file down into 500K chunks. Most ISP's will accept a file this big.

Lets take a 3meg file for example..... IE5.0 will sent it out as about 15 seperate files to the ISP. Now thru a bit of computer magic,(which we won't go into here) when your computer receives all of them, it is converted back into singular file.

Works great !!!! I use it all the time.

Posted: 21 Nov 2001 2:37 pm
by Joey Ace
Some ISPs limit the size of an attachment you can send to 1 or 2 MB.

A simple workaround, if you want to provide large files to friends, is get an account at

You get 125MB of free space that you and your friends can access via the web.

It's free, you just have to put up with their ads.

Posted: 21 Nov 2001 4:06 pm
by Chip Fossa
Where on the IE homepage do you go to
"tell it to break up the large MP3
files"? Could you point me in the
right direction?

I guess you could put the MP3 files in
a ZIP file, but the MP3's are already
compressed, and the ZIP does compress it a bit furthur, but not enough to make much
difference, right?

ChipsAhoy<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by CHIP FOSSA on 21 November 2001 at 04:07 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 21 Nov 2001 5:13 pm
by Jack Stoner
It's Outlook or Outlook Express where you can select an option to split files apart.
Go to Tools then select Accounts and then select Properties for your e-mail account. In the Advanced section there is an option for splitting files at the maximum you set.

However, this is only necessary if you send files larger than your ISP's (or the addresee's)max file limit.

Posted: 22 Nov 2001 6:22 am
by Chip Fossa
Thanks Jack.

Posted: 26 Nov 2001 9:59 pm
by Adam
Don't forget about all the file sharing programs out there that will allow you to do this too.

Posted: 27 Nov 2001 4:14 am
by Jack Stoner
Adam, right on. I sent a 10 meg (program) file to another forumite using the file transfer capabilites of MSN Messenger. And, I've transferred files with ICQ.

Posted: 29 Nov 2001 3:22 am
by Michael Garnett
I'd say to your question, "Don't." there's a lot of problems with servers when you start to send big files like that over e-mail. Pictures of the wife and kids are ok, but big files like MP#'s tend to be bigger than the servers like to send and recieve.

File sharing through programs like MSN, ICQ and AIM are good for single mp3's, but if you're looking to send MP3's in BULK, and you're not behind a firewall, might I suggest looking into FTP transfer protocol? (For those of you who know what that is, you'll know it's redundant, "File Transfer Protocol" transfer protocol) It's a lot faster, because you don't have to worry about your computers connecting through different servers. Look 'em up, they're pretty neat when they're put together right.
