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Peter Dollard


Post  Posted 26 Sep 2001 2:42 pm    
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I have heard this program has many technical problems compared to Windows 98; Is this true?. I just ordered a new Dell and that is the only Windows that comes with it. I guess I am stuck or does this new system work as well?. All professional opinions appretiated. Pete.
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Weston, NE USA
Post  Posted 26 Sep 2001 3:21 pm    
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I think it depends on how much of a techie you are. I think ME was aimed at the non-technical home user. The instructor of my recent A+ class said his choices for a home OS would be Win2000 Professional, and then Win98 SE. I have almost nil experience with ME, but I noticed in working with a neighbor's PC that ME has no backup utility. I run Win98SE at home with no problems, but I also like Win2000 Pro.

If I remember rightly, our esteemed moderator runs ME and can tell you more about the goods and bads of it.

Hope this helps.


[This message was edited by Lou[NE] on 26 September 2001 at 04:22 PM.]

[This message was edited by Lou[NE] on 26 September 2001 at 04:23 PM.]

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Bill Sharpe


Hermitage, TN 37076, USA
Post  Posted 26 Sep 2001 5:55 pm    
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I run Windows Me on a Systemax computer with 750 Mgh. and 45 gb on the hard drive, and 128 meg. of RAM. It runs just OK. If you're buying a new machine, they probably have a deal to upgrade to Windoows XP which is the direction I would go. I can't really complain about Me, but then I still like DOS, The feature I DO like about Me is the system restore feature whch can be a life saver at times.


[This message was edited by Bill Sharpe on 26 September 2001 at 06:57 PM.]

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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 27 Sep 2001 2:55 am    
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At my home computer, I've gone from a VIC20 to DOS through the various consumer versions of Windows. Each one gets better. Windows ME is better than 95 or 98, BUT, there are minimum hardware requirements and if the system it's installed on does not meet the minimum requirements it will run poorly or not at all. Actually it's the same with Win98 over Win95 - minimum hardware requirements. And minimum hardware requirements is really more than what Microsoft says. Microsoft said Win95 would run on a 486 machine - it will run, but if you want to do anything forget it. Actually OS/2 was a better version of Windows but it was a memory hog and IBM marketing was almost non existant on this.

The same way with XP. It has minimum hardware requirements or it won't run or won't run properly.

Software is another issue. As the operating system gets more complex, there has to be a trade off on older software. Ultimately someone with an old DOS program is going to be S.O.L., and it will no longer run on a machine with current operating system software.

Even the MAC's and their operating system has hardware and software limitations.

I've worked in computers before there was a "PC" and every time a new operating system update or version comes out, there are those that holler "wolf" and "this version is not as good as the old version" thing comes out all the time. Or, we are staying with the old version, we are not going to update - but in order to run the latest version of the application software the latest operating system is required. It's an endless cycle.
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