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Author Topic:  Linux LCD Monitor Configuration

Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 17 Sep 2001 10:53 am    
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Last weekend I picked up the cheapest 15" LCD monitor they had at CompUSA for the Forum server. It's made by Envision. Cost was $380 (seemed reasonable).

The manual says it will do 1024x768 @ 75 Hz. I selected the generic 1024x768 LCD in XConfigurator (Envision wasn't listed), and when XWindows came up it set the monitor to 70 Hz.

How can I get the correct Modeline for XF86Config that will set this monitor to 75 Hz? It doesn't look bad at 70 Hz, but I think it would probably look better at 75.


-System Administrator
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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 17 Sep 2001 1:58 pm    
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I thought you all might enjoy this email exchange with Envision's lame customer support.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Lee [ Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 10:36 PM
Subject: Person Requesting Tech Support From

The following data was submitted on 9/16/01 1:36:05 AM EST:

Name = Bob Lee
address1 = PO Box 7866
address2 =
city = Santa Rosa
state = CA
zip = 95407
phone = 707-585-6329
fax =
email =
model = EN-5100e
serial# = T5HT16AG23122
purchasemonth = 9
purchaseday = 15
purchaseyear = 2001
cpu = 800
video card = ATI
textfield8 = 1024x768
question = I'm running Linux and X11. I can't get it up to 75 Hz. Can you provide the correct ModeLine(s) for my XF86Config file, so that I can run at 1024x768 @ 75 Hz?


-Bob Lee,

----- Original Message -----
From: "support" To: "Bob Lee" Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2001 5:48 pm
Subject: RE: Person Requesting Tech Support From


This monitor is capable of running at 75Hz under 1024x768, please verify the configurations of your refresh rate scanning both horizontal and vertical, you may want to download the user's manual of your monitor on our website for further informations on supported input of your monitor.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bobby Lee [ Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 5:38 AM
To: support
Subject: Re: Person Requesting Tech Support From

Right. This monitor was not in the list of Xconfigurator, so I chose the generic 1024x768 LCD monitor. XConfigurator put a lot of Modelines in the XF86Config file, but none of them are 1024x768 @ 75 Hz. As a result, I am now running 1024x768 at 56.5 kHz horizontal and 70 Hz vertical. I know that the monitor can do better.

The current settings from XF86Config are:

Mode "1024x768"
DotClock 75
HTimings 1024 1048 1184 1328
VTimings 768 771 777 806
Flags "-hsync -vsync"

(Actually, it's condensed into a Modeline. I expanded it so you could understand what the numbers mean.)

The manual says that the monitor will handle a DotClock of 100 MHz, but it doesn't provide the horizontal and vertical timings. Can you provide them?

-Bob Lee

----- Original Message -----
From: "Francis Solomon" To: "Bobby Lee" Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 8:09 am
Subject: RE: Person Requesting Tech Support From


I beleive under linux, you can be able to setup the resolutions and refresh rate of the computer manually, you may want to set it up manually instead of using a generic profile if you want to obtain a higher refresh rate.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bobby Lee [ Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 3:26 PM
To: Francis Solomon
Subject: Re: Person Requesting Tech Support From

Right. That's why I'm asking for the settings. I want to set it up manually. The complete timings aren't in the manual.

-Bob Lee,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Francis Solomon" To: "Bobby Lee" Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 8:41 am
Subject: RE: Person Requesting Tech Support From


If you're going to set it up manually, all you need is the resolutions which is 1024x768 and the horizontal and vertical frequency which is available on the user's manual.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bobby Lee [ Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 3:42 PM
To: Francis Solomon
Subject: Re: Person Requesting Tech Support From

To set it up "manually", I would edit the XF86Config file and restart X, correct?

Right now my settings in XF86Config are:

Mode "1024x768"
DotClock 75
HTimings 1024 1048 1184 1328
VTimings 768 771 777 806
Flags "-hsync -vsync"

What are the timings and dotclock for 1024x768 with 75 Hz vertical and 60.02 kHz horizontal?


-----Original Message-----
From: Francis Solomon [ Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 11:02 AM
To: Bobby Lee
Subject: RE: Person Requesting Tech Support From


I'm not really sure what timings and dotclock that you need, because everything that you need to specify is all there, like the frequency and resolutions. I beleive that's all you have to configure.


-----Original Message-----
From: b0b [ Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 6:14 PM
To: 'Francis Solomon'
Subject: RE: Person Requesting Tech Support From

How would I do that?

The salesman at CompUSA told me that it would work at 75 Hz in Linux. What do I need to do to get it to work? How do you set the configuration?

(I'm using Red Hat Linux version 6.2).


-----Original Message-----
From: Francis Solomon [ Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 11:54 AM
Subject: RE: Person Requesting Tech Support From


You may want to check the user's manual of Linux for configuring the display settings manually.


-----Original Message-----
From: b0b [ Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 7:03 PM
To: 'Francis Solomon'
Subject: RE: Person Requesting Tech Support From

Could you forward this email to someone who might know the answer to my questions? The Linux manual doesn't cover monitors that aren't listed by Xconfigurator.

-Bob Lee,

-----Original Message-----
From: Francis Solomon []
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 2:39 PM
Subject: RE: Person Requesting Tech Support From


Please contact the Linux for further help on setting your computer up.


[This message was edited by Bobby Lee on 17 September 2001 at 03:03 PM.]

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Jim Smith

Midlothian, TX, USA
Post  Posted 17 Sep 2001 2:48 pm    
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It's been a couple of years since I tried to set up a monitor for Linux but I'll put a couple of feelers out for you.

In the meantime, maybe this will make you feel better:

rm -rf /bin/Laden
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 17 Sep 2001 3:49 pm    
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Sadly, that is typical of a lot of vendor's support. I find I know as much or more than they do many times when I call or e-mail. The responses are what I call "stock consumer responses", which never answer the question or they give you an answer like b0b got "I don't know so it must be your operating system's problem".
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Doug Garrick


Grand Junction, CO
Post  Posted 18 Sep 2001 5:52 am    
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b0b, I've used xvidtune for some adjustment on open source / XF86 but never on a Linux laptop. You might check Redhat's distribution to see if its there. It may provide a little improvement.

Jim, can I run that from here?
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Martin Abend

Berlin, Germany
Post  Posted 18 Sep 2001 6:01 am    
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A pal of mine works at a hotline for a manufacturer that makes something for LANs. He studied social work, they offered him twice the amount of money he would get if he'd work in his field. He has no idea how he got there or why they hired him, but this might explain some things...

martin abend Pedal-Steel in Germany
s-10 sierra crown gearless 3 x4 - Regal RD45 - fender hotrod deluxe

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Jeff Agnew


Dallas, TX
Post  Posted 18 Sep 2001 10:45 am    
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Please contact the Linux for further help

Now *that* was funny. Although I'm sure you didn't think so at the time. Reminds me of the Abbott & Costello routine, "Who's on first?"

Seriously though, you didn't mention which server you selected or which version of XFree86, or which ATI chipset your PC uses. All have a bearing on the display settings. Don't forget to match your DEVICE section settings, if necessary, to changes you make in the modeline.

One thing you might try is deleting the dot clock and sync settings from your modeline. That will force XFree86 to try and obtain it from the ATI chipset.

Lastly, be careful when specifying sync settings and dot clock speeds. As I'm sure you know, you can fry the board and/or LCD if you overclock it.

FYI, according to the XFree86 folks, best results on an LCD panel are obtained using the lowest refresh setting that eliminates flicker. Don't ask me why...
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Doug Garrick


Grand Junction, CO
Post  Posted 22 Sep 2001 9:10 am    
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I've used Xi Graphic's accelerated Xserver on a couple of BSD laptops and was really quite pleased with the graphics performance of their products. I believe their laptop product was around $100 US. Their tech support is tremendous. I believe you can still download a demo version.

[This message was edited by Doug Garrick on 23 September 2001 at 02:24 PM.]

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