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Dan Dowd


Paducah, KY, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 27 Jun 2001 5:17 am    
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When I log on to the forum the light bulbs are yellow highlighted indicating there are new posts and after clicking on the section the new posts are also highlighted. However after clicking on the new topic or old topic which has new posts and reading them, when I go back to the main sections they are not highlighted any more. They used to work fine until we had a lightning strike last thursday,outside the house, which scared the hell out of my wife and I, but our backs were turned so we didnt see where it hit, however we did hear the sizzle and crack,also out of the corner of my eye I did see sparks. I looked around the yard but could not find where it hit. Of course all electrical equipment was on and it seemed to only effect stuff like my TV which has a green blob at the bottom of the screen when turned on and another TV which has a horizontal line across the screen, outside walkway lights that won't turn off, my Alesis compressor has all the input and output level lights on, the a channel on my 2 port USB midiman does not work but the b port does, there was also a loud static sound which came from my computer speakers which lasted for several minuets but gone now. Even the door bell rang which is not connected to the power line (battery operated) and my new 3 day old indoor/outdoor thermometer has L's instead of numbers on the readout. I dont know if my computer is damaged yet except for the forum problem mentioned earlier. I am getting ready to call Alstate which has my homeowners insurance policy. Has any one else experienced a problem such as this and how did the insurance company handle it. Should I expect more problems with my equipment related to this episode.

Paducah Ky Between Monkeys Eyebrow and Possum Trot

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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 27 Jun 2001 10:27 am    
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Dan, sounds like the cookies for the forum may have got screwed up.

Go back in and look at your profile, and may update or change something. That will cause another cookie to be sent (I think). You can always go back in and undo what you changed. Also go to preferences and update those.

I think that will get you back in sync on the forum.
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Bill Crook


Goodlettsville, TN , Spending my kid's inheritance
Post  Posted 27 Jun 2001 10:31 am    
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What a lousey deal...
All you mentioned is trashed !!

I have worked for G.E. Electronics for many years and have see more than my share of this problem. In all cases,the product(s) has to be replaced. The electronic packages just isn't up to handling megavolt hits like that. While the equipment afterwards may work somewhat,it will NEVER work correctly again.....

The computer problem,yellow indicators changing colors,... Well, I have that problem too. I dont think it had anything to do with the lighting hit. I think it's because I/you have my cookies flag turned off and the forum uses the cookie to read your preferences, and such. please read MS topic on cookies at their site. If you computer was up and runnin' when the lightin' hit,I'm sure it had damage to it too !!!!

As for the Ins Co payoff,it all depends upon your carrier and coverage.

Sorry,man, Thats the way it happens.

[This message was edited by Bill Crook on 27 June 2001 at 11:38 AM.]

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Ernie Renn

Brainerd, Minnesota USA
Post  Posted 27 Jun 2001 11:01 am    
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Right click on the link to the section of the Forum you want to visit. Select "Open in new window". You can do the same thing to view threads. Then when you're done reading, you can just close the window and right click on another.
Also in IE, click Tools, click Internet Options. On the General tab under Temporary Internet Files click Settings. You can choose how often you want your browser to look for new versions of the page.

My best,

The Official Buddy Emmons Website
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Dan Dowd


Paducah, KY, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 28 Jun 2001 5:16 am    
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Thanks very much for all the help. A Claims adjuster from Allstate will be calling me today and we will see just how much insurance I really have. Its always a surprise when something happens and you think you are covered and later find the fine print says otherwise.I hope Im wrong in this case. I will let you folks know the outcome.
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Rich Paton


Santa Maria, CA.,
Post  Posted 28 Jun 2001 6:44 am    
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EMP damage! (Electromagnetic Pulse)
Dan, heavy lightning activity is somewhat rare here on the Calif. central coast, but I've seen enough of it when living on the East coast and especially around Memphis, Tenn. and in the Phillipines to gain healthy respect for lightning.
I've done a lot of maintenance and service on electrical distribution systems, as well as on electronic broadcast and instrumentaion gear. I've seen some real hum-dinger meltdowns. (Could be nasty I you were in the vicinity when the stuff got "lit up".
From the extent of damage you sustained, I sure as heck think that you had a very close call with that strike.
Even though lightning storms occur infrequently here, when there IS such activity I always turn off AND unplug the computer, TV (including cable or antenna leads), stereo, especially anything connected to a phone line, just about everything except light bulbs. Your experience is a textbook case of why this is a good idea! But then you could well be zapped while handling all those cords, so getting it done quickly is important. Don't soak in the bathtub while yakking on the phone!
One other respect-building lightning incident was a hit at my Aunt & Uncle's home in Florida. The chimney was struck (which blew off the spark screen & the chimney's top course of bricks). while they were sitting in the living room watching TV. A fireball shot out of the fireplace, knocking over two heavy andirons in the fireplace. The flames entered the room and seemingly dissipated the area between the chairs they were sitting in, about ten feet apart. Yikes!
If that didn't manage to scare the pajamas off of them, they soon discovered that the metal screening in a screen door at the rear of the room was melted, and there were singe marks all around the door opening. Geeze! The chimney flue made for a good waveguide and an easy path for the plasma arc to travel through.
The vacuum tube-based techology, B&W TV was not damaged.
Always be careful around that stuff!

I wish you good luck with the claim.
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Dan Dowd


Paducah, KY, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 1 Jul 2001 9:09 am    
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My problem with the new posts has been solved. In another post by me "Is this happening to others" It was suggested to look for a new pgm that may have been installed. Well I foun one that I didn't install on my own. It was called HOT TEXT. I uninstalled and that solved this problem with new posts. I guess there is no end to problems with computers and interaction. Thanks for all the help.
Next will be seeing how tight the "your in good hands with Allstate Ins" are. For information I will post it when they respond.
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