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AOL -or how to get a nervous breakdown

Posted: 26 Mar 2001 9:14 am
by Damir Besic
well,I download 6.0 AOL and only one tip for other people,DONT DO IT it suck.5.0 was much better (when was the AOL good anyway???)so I`m going to reinstal it back.6.0 is much slower and with buncha crap on it.cost me a lot of time and frustrations.This is my wifes computer and she has AOL I wouldn`t have it on my for sure.For some reason I can`t stand AOL ( maybe because many of my friends are complaining about AOL services).But however,if anyone knows which internet provider is good please let me know.Thanks,sincerely,Damir

------------------ <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Damir Besic on 26 March 2001 at 09:15 AM.]</p></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Damir Besic on 26 March 2001 at 09:16 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 26 Mar 2001 9:49 am
by Al Marcus
Hi Damir, Why don't you go with a local ISP provider? My granddaughter has a computer science degree and is on AOL and she doesn't particularly like it

Posted: 26 Mar 2001 1:58 pm
by Kevin Mincke
I made the same mistake Damir..........

Posted: 26 Mar 2001 2:19 pm
by Damir Besic
hi Al,
I never had anyone tell me that AOL is a good thing,most of people I know are not satisfied and some of them are even switching to another providers (you can ask Paul Warnik about AOL,he`ll tell you,he is member here).Like I saied this is my wifes computer and we are planing on moving in few months anyway,and then I`m going to see wich service I`m gona use.
Kevin,do you have same problems with 6.0 as I do?I can`t even work on my website anymore,it`s crazy.

------------------ <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Damir Besic on 26 March 2001 at 02:21 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 26 Mar 2001 2:39 pm
by Paul Warnik
Damir-Im still with AOL and you are right that the 5.0 is better than the 6.0

Posted: 26 Mar 2001 4:56 pm
by Dave Long
I always get freezes & crashes, they say they will credit my account, but never do. I need to change too.

Posted: 26 Mar 2001 6:08 pm
by Bob Schorell
Damir, I am also one of the unlucky ones that has AOL. I have the same problems here in Florida too. When I called them and told them about all the problems they said it was because I downloaded 6.0 from AOL. They told me to get a 6.0 disk and that would work a lot better. Guess what, THEY LIED. Finally found a 5.0 disk and put 5.0 back in. Now when 6.0 acts up, which is almost always, I just click on 5.0 again. Good luck.....

Posted: 26 Mar 2001 8:02 pm
by Rex Blattenberger
Since you are in the Nashville area, Bellsouth is your best bet. You can have it added to your phone bill. @home cable service is much faster, but more expensive
and even that locks up from time to time.
Earthlink is pretty good, and they have many cities around the country, if you travel a lot.

Posted: 27 Mar 2001 1:13 am
by Ricky Davis
Well I have AOL and not a problem at all with them or the new 6.0
If you need any assistance>email me your questions and problems and I can help you. I have made this ISP work for me; and can show you how.
Oh I've tried other ISPs' and they are all good and they all have things you need to learn and work out.

Posted: 27 Mar 2001 5:26 am
by Chip Fossa
I used to have AOL when I first got a PC
back in Aug 98'. Got rid of them almost
immediately and went with a local IP. This was
a 56K connection via telephone. Cost $17.95
per month. It too got intolerably slow, so
now I am with AT&T Broadbent "ROADRUNNER"
cable...doesn't use the phone line.

Costs around $20 more per month [about $40],
but it is lightening fast. And cable isn't even the fastest of the different ways you can get on the web.

When I had an IP, I had another phone line for just the PC and FAX and it ran around $20/mnth too. So it was costing me around $40
per month anyway.

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by CHIP FOSSA on 27 March 2001 at 05:27 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 27 Mar 2001 12:52 pm
by Damir Besic
Thanks Ricky,I`ll just instal 5.0 back for now.Thank you for your offer to help me,but there is more things that I don`t like,and I would be on the phone with you all the time.
I think I`ll go with Bellsouth cable,but for now (waiting for some better time$$)I`ll try to uninstal 6.0 and go back with 5.0.I called AOL already and told them to send me a CD but so far nothing happend,no CD.5.0 wasn`t too bad,I just tought that since 6.0 is a new one and is all the time on TV it must be better,but guess what,it isn`t.

------------------ <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Damir Besic on 27 March 2001 at 12:56 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 27 Mar 2001 2:43 pm
by Jonathan Cullifer
One thing I have noticed about many AOL users is that they laugh off the disconnects and stubbornly go on with their way of life...I have never had AOL and never will. Cable is still too good anyway. Image


Posted: 27 Mar 2001 9:55 pm
by Ricky Davis
Well I never get disconnected with AOL>EVER.
But I know the secret.
Yes if you can find a cable modem ISP; that is great and much better and faster; and service is as good as you make it with any ISP.

Posted: 28 Mar 2001 3:45 am
by Jack Stoner
Ricky, you are an exception. EVERYBODY I talk to that is on AOL or has been on AOL complains about disconnects and log on problems. Not that there isn't problems on other dial-up ISP's, but there are more complaints about AOL than any other service.

I do computer consulting and repair and when some calls me with connection problems and they are on AOL, I tell them to call AOL and that I can't do anything for them.

Posted: 28 Mar 2001 7:01 am
by Herb Steiner
I too am on AOL, partly because I like some of the proprietary content it offers, partly because I'm too lazy to seek out anything else. Image

Since upgrading to 6.0, I have had no disconnects whatsoever. Oh, there were a few anomalies going from 5.0 to 6.0, but I used their online Instant Messaging service with an AOL tech and got the problems solved with very little hassle.

Ricky knows the secret. But for you "conspiracy types" out there, it has nothing to do with diamond horseshoe rings. Well, very little anyway. Image

Herb's Steel Guitar Pages
Texas Steel Guitar Association

Posted: 30 Mar 2001 5:08 pm
by Eddie Stephens
Yes it really is ironic. I had 5.0 working and 3.0 and 4.0 still installed and everything worked fine.
Then I installed version 6 and it all went downhill.
It started with frequent disconnects immediately.
I got AOL tech support online and walked through some real obvious things that I had already done.....Still the same.
They asked me which version I had, then when I told them, they said there had been one or two revisions since then.
Long story short I reloaded 5.0 and at least I can get online for a little while anyway.
I am gonna try to do some tweaking on my modem settings tonight.
So until it is resolved I have renamed my desktop shortcut to "Almost On Line"

Posted: 31 Mar 2001 9:58 am
by James Bissaillon
To me, AOL is a good place for beginners, but once you know what you're doing, you'll probably be happier with a regular ISP. I always like to support local businesses anyway.

Posted: 6 Apr 2001 8:09 am
The only problem I had with AOL is they charged me £10.00 for a month use I never used after canclelling the service. I have hard since they have done it to other folks who try their free 50 hour trail. A freind of mine on this side of the pond installed
Version 6 and gets the This computer Has permormed an Illegal Operation and will be shut down.My sister in forms me that AOL is not a true ISP but a Bulletin Board or similar and thats why its so slow. I use BT.Internet 24/7 and have no real problems. I don't think it works on your side of the pond

Posted: 7 Apr 2001 7:44 pm
by Al Marcus
James B, I agree with you, a good local ISP is the only way to go. I never used their free trial when I got my computer. Went with my local ISP, $14.95 a month. They do a good job and have helped me on things that was not their concern. That's what I call service!