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G Strout

Carabelle, Florida
Post  Posted 1 Oct 2000 2:00 pm    
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Does anyone on the forum know anything about LINUX? I have been told that if convert my current laptop to use that system I will end up with a faster comp. and more memory, This sounds like bull$*#* to me. Anyone know?
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Jonathan Cullifer


Gallatin, TN
Post  Posted 1 Oct 2000 2:09 pm    
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I know that you don't have to reboot as often on a Linux machine, but the same is truw with Windows 2000. Another thing, finding programs is going to be harder for Linux machines, even though it is becoming easier. (IMHO, Windows has the easiest programming enviroment there is.) As for the more memory and faster computer, it is because Linux is better at memory management, and nothing more that I know of. I personally don't use Linux, but I have a friend that has 2 Linux machines, a dedicated Webserver, and a test machine.

My final suggestion: Don't comvert it to Linux unless you are absolutely sure you want it that way, and I personally would not. There's just too much software out there for Windows, and you aren't going to be keeping your laptop on for months at a time.



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John Gretzinger

Canoga Park, CA
Post  Posted 2 Oct 2000 5:11 pm    
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There are two schools of thought when it comes to UNIX (which Linux really is - sort of) One says d%$n UNIX - you have to build everything you want in order to make it work. The other says - UNIX gives you all the tools so that you can build your system to work exactly as you want.

Linux is a geek tool at the moment, and will probably remain that for some years to come. With the availability of StarOffice you can now have MS Office 97 functions (less outlook) in a friendly format on UNIX.

Other programs are not as easy to find. If you use things like AOL/IM, Quicken/Money, and play many games, then you will find yourself out of luck.

If you system is for business applications and you don't need DVD support, game playing, etc. AND you like to tinker with the operating system, then Linux may be for you. If you don't like to tinker, but want a more stable environment than W'98 - consider NT or Win2K. But remember the parameters. These OSs are not for the gamer - they were built with business use in mind. I really don't know how well either stacks up as it relates to digital audio editing - not my area of expertise.

One of the big plusses for Linux is that it will run quite well on "substandard" equipment. You can build a nice Linux sustem on a 486 or older Pentium class box and have good performance and better memory management. You can't make a PIII/450 run like a 700 no matter what you do, but you can improve the performance. Linux will do that for you, but you do have to live with the consequences.

Interestingly enough, the current Red Hat version EXPECTS you to load Linux as a second operating system to some version of Windows. A good portion of the setup stuff (tm) tells you to look at the windows configuration and copy it over.

Good luck,


MSA D-10
'63 Gibson Hummingbird
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George Rozak

Braidwood, Illinois USA
Post  Posted 3 Oct 2000 6:55 pm    
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I use Linux, but not exclusively. It's basically what John & Jonathan already said. It does have a fairly steep learning curve. I'd suggest finding and old computer to install it on first so that you can play around with it fo a while.

Or, if you feel reasonably comfortable with computers, you could install it as a dual boot option with your current operating system. Be careful with this option though, as a major mistake during installation could wipe out your current system.

I'm wondering if the SGF here is running on Linux. I notice a Pengiun (the Linux symbol) wearing sunglasses in the upper left corner of the screen in the Buy/Sell board.
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G Strout

Carabelle, Florida
Post  Posted 3 Oct 2000 7:24 pm    
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Thanks gentlemen....I was confused. Now however I am totally baffled. Just kidding. George....sounds like a plan. I think I can pick up an older model 486 laptop while I am here in Nashville and have it installed on that. Someone had mentioned to me that a version called "PhatLinux" was written to be installed with Win95/98 but that sounds like a self defeating process if you want better memory management. Thanks again! Gary
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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 4 Oct 2000 11:24 am    
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Linux is a more efficient operating system than Windows, that's for sure. Still, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who doesn't already have a background in Unix, or at least DOS. It's really for people who are very comfortable with low-level computing.

This Forum runs on a Linux-based server, by the way.

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Sierra Session S-12 (E9), Speedy West D-10 (E9, D6),
Sierra 8 Laptop (D13), Fender Stringmaster D-8 (D13, A6)
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