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The Best Search Engine?

Posted: 15 May 2000 4:11 pm
by Bobby Lee
For years I've used Alta-vista, but I just discovered Google. It's fast and it seems to give better results.

What's your favorite search site, and why?

<img align=right src="" width=72 height=72>Bobby Lee gigs CDs
<I>Sierra Session S-12 (E9), Speedy West D-10 (E9, D6),
Sierra S-8 Laptop (D13), Fender Stringmaster D-8 (D13, A6)</I>

Posted: 15 May 2000 4:14 pm
by Graham
Used to use "Yahoo", but then I found the "Forum"!!

No further need for a search engine!!!!! Image

ICQ 614585

Posted: 15 May 2000 6:20 pm
by Rick Morris

I've always used metacrawler. You can type in a phrase then choose whether to search for any word, all words, or as a phrase (my favorite). Metacrawler searches the other search engines and bring back results from all of them, sometimes showing that only one or two return any information. The one drawback is, sometimes you get the same links over and over again, one from each of the other engines, but i'd rather have too many than none at all.


Posted: 15 May 2000 11:43 pm
by Dave Boothroyd
I like Webferret.
It sits on the desktop and does a really good job for me.


Posted: 16 May 2000 2:26 am
by Jack Stoner
I don't have one favorite or best search engine. Seems they all pluses and minuses. However, Ask Jeeves seems to return more hits than some of the others I've used.

Generally, on I.E.5, just typing find and what you want on the Address line seems to do just as good.

Posted: 16 May 2000 7:22 am
by Bobby Lee
Wow! I didn't know you could do that. Neat trick, Jack. Thanks!

Posted: 16 May 2000 11:57 am
by David Mullis
I usually use The Mother Of All Search Engines Image

WOW, just tried google, much faster and better results!<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by David Mullis on 16 May 2000 at 01:02 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 16 May 2000 12:21 pm
by Jeremy Steele
I've been into Google for a while, it's the best one I've found.

Posted: 16 May 2000 2:41 pm
by Marco Schouten
I can recommend using Copernic. Its a program which searches many engines the same time. You can download a free copy from You really should try it.

Steelin' Greetings
Marco Schouten

Posted: 16 May 2000 2:54 pm
by Jack Stoner
b0b, I found that on the Gatesland site while looking for a fix for an I.E.5 search problem I had (funny thing I even found the fix for the problem I had!)

Posted: 19 May 2000 1:07 pm
by Zimera1
Hi All,
You have to try out DogPile, it checks out all of the search engines at the same time.

Posted: 19 May 2000 1:35 pm
by Mel Culbreath
I try Alta Vista first because of its speed. It usually fills the bill, but if the first page of hits doesn't look promising I go to Google or HotBot.


Posted: 19 May 2000 8:00 pm
by Ron Whitworth
Hi b0b;
I will have to go along with Marco..I have used Copernic for about 2 years now..When you type in a word it sends out 8-15 search engines at the same time.You can watch the progress on your screen-it takes less then 2 minutes most of the time..It will list them in order by # of hits to that particuliar site.You can sift thru the list to get down to what ever you want..For a multi-engine search; I have not found anything to come close to it.Today I typed in "Country Midi Files" & it found so many sites I am still looking at them!!! Later....Ron

Posted: 19 May 2000 11:18 pm
by Marco Schouten
One nice feature of Copernic is the verify option. It scans all the links it found and removes the dead links.

Steelin' Greetings
Marco Schouten

Posted: 20 May 2000 12:51 am
by erik
I've been using AskJeeves for about 2 yrs now. It's not as good as it used to be when it included Yahoo. But i can usually find what i need in one or two searches. Also, it only returns a handfull of sites instead of 1,000s. No booleen language required. I find few bad links. I'm gonna try Copernic.

Posted: 21 May 2000 8:22 am
by Bill Llewellyn
I've used for a long time. Fast and simple. Not sure if there are others which are better, but it works pretty well.

<font size=-1>Bill * MSA Classic U12 * email * homepage</font>

Posted: 21 May 2000 9:16 am
by Jerry Gleason
Macintosh users need only to activate Sherlock, which is built in to 0S9. It's a great search engine, you can check off catagories and subcatagories of places you want to search on the web, and being a part of the system, also searches all network servers, mounted hard drives, CD roms, etc.

Of the web based search engines, Google has replaced Alta Vista as my first choice.

Posted: 22 May 2000 5:19 pm
by Rich Paton
Webferret v.3.000for serious, deep searches by parallel-linking together 10 major engines, with up to 50,000 hits (5000 per engine).

I like Google a lot, for excellent results in a hurry.
The ferret can dig up more non-commercial pages, but most engines are oriented to commercial websites. The fabled "Information SuperHighway" is more like the "Information Super Big Kmart" in reality.
The WebFerret is a stand-alone app that links to NutScape & InternetExploder, and is highly user-configurable with built-in selectable smut and foul-language filters, which I feel at least double its actual search power by eliminating such superfluous "hits". It's a free download and frequently upgraded.

Here's a plethora of "searchbots"... <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Rich Paton on 22 May 2000 at 06:27 PM.]</p></FONT>